Chapter 10: One last time

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Third person POV:

On a cold October morning, a boy stood alone in the graveyard. 

A gust of wind catches the boys hair, causing him to shiver. He closes his eyes, thinking back to that night, tears silently dropping from his eyes as he relives the memories.



"NOOOOO!" echoes through the room followed by complete and utter silence. Everyone closed their eyes; no one dares to look at the action that is happening right in front of them. But, Jungkook is not feeling anything. 

He thought that death would hurt, that he would at least feel something when the blade would cut through to his heart. He slowly opens his eyes. The knife is stuck in the chair, right between Jungkooks legs. Jimin is staring at him, pleading for forgiveness and it takes Jungkook a moment to realise what has happened.

In front of him, the love of his life, but his eyes are slowly closing, Jimin is struggling to keep himself awake. Blood is running down from his mouth and as Jungkooks eyesight continues down, studying Jimins body; his eyes settle on the deep, dark red area on Jimins shirt. In the middle of it, Jungkook can barely see a shiny metal object.

Burn face is leaning his head on Jimins shoulder; he is crying. Burn face is crying "Why, my little puppy? Why could you not just do as I asked?" Burn faces voice is weak. "See, what you made me do, baby boy." he slowly withdraws the blade that he only seconds earlier, ran into Jimins back. Jimin exhales as he feels the emptiness from the blade, his eyes still fixed on Jungkook. Tears cascading down his cheeks as Jimin can feel darkness surround him. 

He falls.

"NO!" Jungkook screams as he sees Jimin drop to the ground. "Please, Jimin..." is all he can mutter. Jungkook closes his eyes. Desperately trying to think of a good memory...

They're lying on his bed in the dorms. Jimin is hiding in Jungkooks embrace. "I'm sorry for everything, Kookie," he whimpers. "Shhh, its ok. Nothing is your fault Jimin. None of that was ever your fault. Don't you dare blame it on yourself." Jimin continues to cry as Jungkook continues to comfort. "Its over now, you are safe and I promise that I will do anything to keep it that way. I love you Jimin"


"I guess I have to do it myself" Burn faces voice causes Jungkook to react again. Jimin is now on the floor, his breath is uneven and he is drifting in and out of unconsciousness. His brothers, crying as they watch the life of their beloved brother leave him. There is nothing they can do except watch.

Taehyung screams, no one can understand what he is screaming, but the boy will not keep quiet. Hoseok is telling himself that it's not real; everything that is currently happening in front of him is just a dream. 

Both Namjoon and Yoongi are quiet. They are holding their breath, waiting for Jimin to stand up and tell them that he is ok, that nothing is wrong and that all of this was just a sick, fucked up joke. 

Jin closed his eyes, waiting for darkness to engulf him.

"No, you will not" the voice comes from the boy lying on the floor. "I will not allow it!" he growls and Jungkook quickly looks down, realising that the blade between his legs, is missing.

Within the blink of an eye, Jimin has somehow managed to get himself on his feet, the boy's knees are strongly threatening to give way, but he manages to carry out his last action, his plan. With the blade shaking in his right hand he quickly retracts it before he pushes it forward, using the very last of his strength.

The blade reaches its destination, straight through Burn faces heart.

The man stumbles backwards, dropping the blade before he kneels in front of Jungkook. "You're done. Your plan has failed" Jimin hisses in Burn faces ear. "You will die with me and we will go to hell together. You are done harming people Eric James Miller. You will never harm a single person ever again" and with that, Burn face drops to the floor.

Jimin pushes the dead body away as he crawls over to Jungkook. He grabs a hold of his legs, trying to push himself up and barely manages it. Resting his head on Jungkooks chest, who is shaking. All he wants to do is hug him, caress his cheeks, run his hand through Jimins hair and tell him that everything is gonna be ok. Jimin reaches up to Jungkooks face.

"I love you..." Jimin whispers in Jungkooks ear. "Remember that, remember me. Promise me that you will never forget me," and with that he exhales deeply, one last time.

Flashback end


On a cold October morning, a raven-haired boy stood alone in the graveyard.

Behind him, 5 familiar men are approaching, each of them are carrying one single rose. Its quiet around them, no one says anything. It has become a daily ritual, that whenever they visit this grave, they will let their emotions speak for them. They are allowed to cry, to mourn over their lost brother.

Jin lays his rose down, reading the tombstone as he does everyday, still not wanting to believe the truth.

Here lies

Park Jimin


May he rest in peace 


Author's note:

The End, wow!

I would like to thank everyone who has followed this journey with me and I hope you enjoyed this sequel as much as you did with the main book. I know its only half the size of what my first book was, but my intention with this book was to make it short and intense.

If it is not to much to ask, I would love if you left an honest review. What did you like? What could be different? What was your favorite part? etc.

Also if you have any questions (personal or story related), please fire at will :)


Author- nim <3

Blood, Sweat and Tears.- Back to HellWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt