Chapter 6: Betrayal

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Third person POV:

6 Months ago

"WE HAD A DEAL!" the English man shouted. His hair and clothes still filled with ashes from the burning house he had just escaped from. He had barged into the Korean mans office without giving one fuck about who saw him. "Please, calm down Mr Miller" the Korean man said in his cutest tone. 'It was disgusting', the English man named Mr Miller thought to himself.

The man turned around and the Korean man couldn't help but pull a face at the scene in front of him. Mr Miller had never been an attractive man, with half of his face deformed from the burn that happened many years ago, but now in addition to that, his nose was shaped in a weird angle, clearly broken and dried blood was scattered all over the already messed up face. 'Definitely Namjoon', the Korean man thought to himself.

"Do you know that James is in the hospital?!" Mr Miller started. "Do you know how much damage your little fuck boys have caused!" He slammed his fist in the desk right in front of the Korean man, making him flinch at the sudden aggressive action. He gulped, before raising his stern voice towards Mr Miller "Now now Mr Miller, lets not forget what you have done to my seven precious boys. They are in the hospital too. God, it will take them several months in therapy to fix the torture you have caused them" 

Mr Miller didn't even flinch by his words, instead his face expression softened and a smile appeared on his face. "Torture?" he laughed. "I would hardly call that torture, my dear friend. We were just having fun," he laughed again, but suddenly his face turned cold. Eyes darkened as the happy smile that was previously plastered on his face had now been replaced with an evil grin.

Approaching the Korean man, who started to shiver behind his desk, Mr Millers grin turned wider. He leaned forward, so close that the Korean man could feel the breath of him on his face. "Your 6 months are up and I will take what is now rightfully mine" he laughed as he saw how the Korean man cowered by his words. "Will you be a darling and fix him up for me. I will be so kind as to grant you 6 months to do so as I have some important business to rebuild. After that, he is declared dead" Mr Miller turned around, waving a good bye as he ran out the door and disappeared to God knows where.

The Korean man put his head in his hands, shaking it desperately as he tried to think of a way out of this mess.

"Forgive me Park Jimin"


Jimins POV:

Current time

Loneliness, the feeling of being on your own. Have no one to care for you, love you are even respect you. Loneliness is the worst feeling there is; it is the feeling of failure, misunderstanding and sorrow. I am lonely.

I had everything, a good job that I loved doing, a family who cared for me and 6 brothers that would do anything for me, back me up, make me feel loved and appreciated. It had all been taken away from me and I now felt truly alone.


I woke up because my upper body had decided that turning around would be a good idea, while my lower body thought that the best idea was not to move at all. Because of this argument between my two main body parts, I winced in pain and opened my eyes. Beams of sunlight greeted me through the large window behind the wooden desk. 

I rubbed my eyes and yawned, suddenly realising 2 things; I was alone in the bed and I was for once not tied up to anything. Wondering why this was currently a situation I found myself in, I looked around the room. The dark, terrifying aura from last night had now been replaced with a warm and welcoming feeling; that was until I looked over at the sofas.

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