Chapter 8: Contact

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Jimins POV:

Fury, anger, betrayal and sadness. 

So many feelings were building up inside me as I kept looking at him. My mentor, one of the people I thought I could trust the most. I knew something had been off lately when he kept ignoring me and keeping his distance. I thought he was punishing me because of what happened with my brothers when we were being held hostage by Burn face. I was already blaming myself for it. Burn face was only after me, but because of my selfishness and cowardness, they had suffered too.

"Why?" was the only word I managed to let out of my mouth, but he didn't say anything. He just kept staring at me. I felt coldness in his eyes, hatred, but also sorrow and guilt. This couldn't be real, I must be dreaming I thought to myself and pinched my arm. A sting of pain ran through my body. I was definitely awake.

"Well, what a reunion this is" Burn face chuckled as he clapped his hands together before he sat down in his chair over by the table. None of us reacted, we were to busy having the deadliest staring competition anyone has ever seen. The tension in the room grew bigger as neither of us had any plans of backing down. Burn face huffed and I could tell he was becoming bored with the scene in front of him. He called someone and minutes later James came walking through the door. "Take my puppy back to my room, will you James? I will be with him shortly. We are just finishing up some final business ideas, aren't we Mr. Bang?" PD- nim blinked and turned around as he muttered something to himself before joining Burn face.

I couldn't, I didn't know how to cope with this new information. To know that someone that close to me would betray my brothers and me like that. I had to tell them, find a way for them to know. 

I had to make contact.

James didn't say anything as he left me alone in Burn faces room, but this time he made sure that the door was locked before he left. I sat down in one of the sofas, pulling my knees towards me as I silently sobbed. I have never felt so heart broken and betrayed in my entire life. It was eating me up from the inside. 

I remained in the position for quite a while, just thinking, wondering where in my life I went wrong, what my big mistake was that made God punish me like this and as I continued to think, I couldn't help but tremble at the thought of what Burn face was going to do to me when he returned. "I did it again," I scolded myself, but when I lifted my head I noticed something.

There, right in front of me on Burn faces desk was a laptop. I couldn't contain my excitement as I ran over to it. Opening it so the screen lit up I was expecting it to ask me for a password, but it didn't. Strange. It led me straight to the homepage and the last thing that had been opened was Skype. I slowly retracted my hand. This was too good to be true. Why had I suddenly been left alone with an unprotected laptop? This was without a doubt a trap, but even if it was, I couldn't let this opportunity just slip out of my hands.

I sat down, opening Skype, immediately typing in Jungkooks name. "Please pick up," I prayed. Hoping that someone somewhere would answer my prayers for once, but I didn't get the chance to press the call button.


Third person POV:

It was too quiet around the breakfast table in the Bangtan boy's dorm. Everyone was silently chewing away on their food that Jin had prepared for them, when suddenly Jungkooks phone started to vibrate. All of them paused their actions, as they looked confused at the maknae who had fished his phone out of his pocket. 

Because of their appointments being cancelled, no one expected any phone calls. The displayed showed that he was receiving a Skype call but from an unknown source. Jungkook hesitated as the phone in front of his eyes kept vibrating. "Who is it?" Taehyung asked curiously. "I don't know..." Jungkook answered, uncertainty showing in his voice.

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