Chapter 3: The first night

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I remained in the same position even after the man had finished marking my hip. I didn't dare move before I was allowed to and I still couldn't take my eyes of Burn faces gun, which was mocking me as it still laid on my chest. I can't understand how a little metal object like that can have so much power over people. 

Burn face stood up, talking to the man who had just finished his masterpiece, nodding him good-bye and shaking his hand before he left. He walked around the table, studying the caricature that would forever be a part of me, his smile growing wider as he kept looking at it. "Now you belong to me, my puppy" his eyes met mine. Cold, dark eyes filled with hatred and lust.

"Forever my puppet. That I can do whatever I want with" he looked at James who smiled back at him. New tears left my eyes as I thought about my freedom slipping away between my hands. I had just lost what it means to be human. Forever destined to be someone else's toy. To obey to every single command he may have for me and then get punished if I disobeyed or if he just felt like it.

Destined to be his captive forever. Never have the chance again to speak up, say my opinion, and have a choice of what I want to do with my life. It had all been in vein and the more I thought about it, the more I just wanted it to end right here. My future was not a bright one and if I had to continue down this dark path that had been written out for me, then I would honestly rather die. I will not make him happy, I will end my life if that means I can make his miserable, but can I be that selfish? 

What about my dear friends and brothers? What about Jungkookie? I know all too well that they are currently searching every house, every street corner, not leaving one rock unturned in order to find me and for them I have to stay strong. I have to believe that a chance will come, an opportunity for me to get out of here so that I can see them again. 

I just have to believe.

Lost in my own thoughts, I didn't even realise that the restrains around my wrists and ankles had disappeared, but only to be replaced by new ones. James pulled me up from the table, forcing me to stand on my own feet before he dragged me out of the room and back into the dark hallways. But, this time instead of going back to the cold, dark cell I had learned to call home, he instead pulled me past it and we continued up the steps and out of the damp basement.

My eyes spent a couple of seconds, getting used to the sudden light I was presented with. Once they were used to it, I could finally have a look around. The entrance to the house was massive, bigger than the previous one. Two magnificent chandeliers were welcoming me in the ceiling, continued by two marble staircases on either side. In the middle, a huge mahogany table with possibly the biggest flower decoration I have ever seen presented on it. Behind the table were several white doors leading to mysterious rooms and I made a mental note to myself that I would explore each one if I ever got the opportunity.

James proceeded to pull me up one of the staircases and we were now standing in a long corridor. This one was completely opposite of the one from the basement. Painted white, with dark blue carpets stretching from one end to the other. Lights on the walls guiding the way, giving of a warm tone that could make you feel welcomed, if it wasn't for the fact that I had been forced here. 

Going left we walked all the way to the end, before we stopped in front of a big, dark brown wooden door. I guessed on mahogany again. Knocking twice, James turned to me and ruffled my hair before he smiled. "If you behave baby boy, I think he will treat you better than he did the first time. I put in a good word for you" he winked at me before turning back around again as the door opened. What the hell?

Before I got a chance to ask him, he guided me inside the room. It was the biggest bedroom I have ever seen. On the right side was a huge king size bed with drapes hanging down from each corner of it. On each side, a night table with beautifully lit lamps placed on them. Right in front of me was a big office desk, the chair facing me and to the left again a huge closet with glass doors. I took notice of the several knives inside it and thought of possible ways I could manage to get my hands on one.

On the left side of the room, opposite of the bed was another wooden door and I assumed it lead into a bathroom. To my left, there were two cream coloured sofas facing a flat screen TV hanging on the wall. "Where do you want him, Sir?" James asked and I only now noticed Burn face on one of the sofas. "The hook" he replied without turning his head around. His eyes were frozen on the TV. I whimpered as I remembered how my hands had been hanging from a ceiling 6 months ago, while he had tortured me and forced Tae to punish me.

I protested, but it only resulted in James pulling a knife on me and laying it against me throat. "Walk" he commanded as he guided me to the middle of the room. Coming to a stop, my arms were once again attached to a hook and rose above my head. At least this time, I didn't have to stand on my tippy toes and I sighed to myself in a small relief. 

Feeling watched, I looked over towards the couches and noticed Burn face staring back at me, giving me an evil grin as his eyes made contact with mine, I immediately looked away. "Don't look so sad, puppy. Its only the first night" Burn face mocked as James walked over to him, siting down on the other sofa.

I gave him a hateful look as the men started a conversation about everything and nothing. They were talking in English so I couldn't make much sense of it even if I tried to listen. I looked up towards my hands, trying to wiggle them. They were sore and I could already spot the red circles appearing. I sighed again, trying to see if they were loose enough to maybe give me a chance of an escape. "Stop it!" I ignored him. "I really don't want to drug you!" he continued and I reluctantly stopped.

I was exhausted, but I couldn't make my body relax. I had to stay on top of my senses. Always be on guard. I had the feeling that if I let it down, one of them would immediately take advantage of it and I couldn't let that happen. That's how they would break me.

My eyes were closing. I was having an internal battle with sleep. It was strong, much stronger than me and sleep won the first round.

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