Chapter 7: Brothers

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"Hit him," he said to me and my eyes widened in shock "Now!" Burn face shouted impatient. I shook my head. I couldn't. This, what Burn face had just asked me, it was physically impossible. I would never harm a fly let alone my dearest brother.

"Do it now or I'll shoot you" Burn face threatened. I shook my head again as I felt the tears leaving my eyes. I looked over at Jimin. His body was so beaten up and weak. It was barely hanging onto the little life that was left in him. Jimin looked back at me, nodding his head. "Do it, Tae. Do what he says or he'll hurt you" Jimin said with calm words. "I can't, Jimin hyung. I- I" I stuttered, my voice was shaking and it was impossible for me to use proper words. "You have to," Jimin commanded and I sighed. Reluctantly, I walked up behind him. The whip was shaking in my hands as I aimed it at his back. I looked over at Burn face who grinned. 

How can someone be this evil?

"I'm sorry" I cried as I retracted the whip before I let it powerfully connect with Jimins back. The sound echoed through the room mixing with Jimins screams. "Count them," Burn face growled. "1" his voice was shaky as another hit echoed through the room. "2," Jimin cried and I cried with him as I continued to hit him.


"Tae? Tae Hyung! Please, wake up!" Jungkook shook the helpless boy that was trashing around in his bed; sweat running from his forehead and tears lurking at the edge of his closed eyes. Taehyungs eyes flew open; he sat up, flinching when he saw the boy in front of him as he tried to catch his breath. Jungkook sighed looking at his terrified hyung. "Did you have the nightmare again?" he asked concerned and Taehyung could do nothing but nod as he cried, moving into Jungkooks embrace that held his arms out for him.

"Its always the same one. I can't stop thinking about it. How can someone be so evil? I'm so worried about him, Kookie" Taehyung cried into Jungkooks chest who slowly caressed the elders back, trying his best to comfort him. "I know Tae, I worry too. But we can't stop believing. We have to stay strong for him. Believe that we will see him again soon. You now that PD- nim is doing everything he can to try and find him." Jungkook comforted, but he had a hard time believing in the words himself.

It had been 3 days since the horrible event had taken place in front of their eyes. Jungkook had been chatting away with Taehyung and Hoseok when he suddenly heard Jimin screaming his name. He rushed over to the window, peaking his head out only to see the most fearful sight below him. Turning on his heel he had screamed out in anger and shouted "ITS HIM!!" before rushing out of the door with his hyungs following behind.

They hadn't been bothered waiting for the elevator as they rushed down the steps and out the door that led to the alley. There, a terrifying scene was unfolding infront of them. Jimin was being lifted into a van by no other than Burn face himself, he was trying his best to escape the devils clutch, but his actions momentarily stopped as he looked over at where they were standing. Jimins eyes had met Jungkooks and Jungkook felt his heart breaking into a million pieces as the door closed and the van drove away.

Tears left his eyes as he thought about Jimins fearful and helpless face expression. It left a mark inside Jungkook that was so painful, the boy physically clutched his chest to ease the feeling. 

They hadn't have time to react before the van had disappeared. Namjoon and Yoongi tried to run after it, Namjoon managing to catch the licence plate number, but it had proved later that the van had been stolen. All of them collapsed, as the event that had just occurred was marking them for life. Could they really not just catch a break? What was it with Burn face and his obsession over Jimin?

1 hour later, their manager had stormed into the alleyway. He started to scold them for running away like that until he realised that one of them were missing. When he asked where Jimin was, Taehyung had burst into a panic state of crying while Hoseok had desperately tried to comfort him. Jungkook and Jin didn't answer, they still sat frozen in the same position staring into nothingness, thinking of the fact that they had yet again failed to protect their brother. Yoongi looked up at the manager, huffed as swearing words left his mouth while he gritted his teeth. Namjoon was the only one who calmly stood up and tried to explain to their manager what they had just witnessed.

The manager's blood ran cold in his body while his head was filling with fury. He quickly led his boys back inside and into a van, cancelling the rest of their appointments before making sure that all of them got back to their dorm safely. Making sure that 2 guards stayed with them, he quickly bowed them good-bye and rushed back to his office calling the CEO and boss on the way. "Sir, I- I-" he didn't know how he was gonna break the news to his boss and he found himself stuttering uncompleted sentences.

Bang Si-hyuk was furious as he received the phone call. He knew it would happen, but he didn't know when. The event had come as shocking to him as it had to the rest of them, but at least he was prepared for it. For the last 6 months he had made sure to distance himself from Jimin.

Constantly giving the boy a cold shoulder or ignoring him when he had tried to make contact with him. Jimin, being the clever boy that he is, had noticed and he couldn't help but feel angry over the fact that PD-nim was treating him this way. He had of course confronted him about it, which had lead to a rather heated discussion ending with PD-nim threatening Jimin if he didn't respect him. Jimin had just huffed it away and stormed out of his office, leaving a furious Bang Si-hyuk behind.

With his mind blurred with anger, Bang Si-hyuk had immediately called Mr Miller. Telling him that the boy was ready and requested him to take him away so that he didn't have to see him anymore. He was glad to get rid of the disrespectful, spoiled Park Jimin and if it meant that he could continue his addiction without having to think about his debt, he was more that happy to give the boy up.

But, Bang Si-hyuk couldn't help but feel guilty as soon as he had finished the phone call. He considered Jimin as his own son just like the rest of the bangtan boys, but if giving up Jimin meant that he would keep himself and the rest of the boys safe, he was willing to do it.


Jin had woken up as he was thirsty and found himself in the need for a glass of water. Walking down the dark hallway he stopped infront of Taehyungs room. Someone was crying and Jin knew exactly who it was. The dorm had been filled with sorrow for the last 3 days. No one was happy and everyone kept mostly to themselves, as they were all grieving over their missing brother. 

As Jin was about to knock on the door he turned around to see Hoseok, Namjoon and Yoongi approach him. "Couldn't sleep hyung?" Namjoon asked him as he pecked Jins forehead. "I was thirsty, but then I heard Taehyung cry. I think he is having the nightmare again" Jin sighed before he proceeded to open the door, entering the room followed by the rest. One by one they embraced the two youngest, comforting them and each other.

"Come on, we all have to try and get some sleep" Yoongi said after a while as he stood up and stretched his arms in the air. "Hyungs will you please stay with us?" Jungkook asked with sadness in his voice. He really felt the need for them to be close together right now. "Of course we will," Hoseok answered for the rest of them. They all lied down together and cuddled, comforting each other as they one by one drifted back to sleep. 

Tomorrow they decided to look for their brother again.

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