Chapter 7.

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"Aazim." I called from downstairs as I set his breakfast on the table. I heard his footsteps coming down and saw as he enter in the room wearing his watch. 

He looked up at me and give me a nod before taking his seat. I went in the kitchen and bring my plate to table before I start eating as well. I eat silently and think how much things get changed. 

It has been a few weeks since that conversation between us. After that day, Aazim changed his routine. We eat breakfast together, he takes lunch with him and we do dinner together. Sometimes, he comes early and we go to see our family. Sometimes when he had to come home late, he drops me at my Mom or at our grandparents house so that I wouldn't be alone at nights and when he go home, he picks me from there. 

After breakfast, Aazim leave for his office while I stay home and finish my work for today. I went in an Aazim room to collect his dirty clothes to wash. It doesn't matter that things are getting changed, he didn't ask me to stay in his room. I still sleep in another room, but I am not complaining because I know it will take more time for him to completely accept me.

I went down in the laundry room and put Aazim cloths in it before adding soap and turning it on. I went back in the kitchen and clean everything before taking some rest. I sit in the living room watching some television when I heard my phone buzzing. 

I pick it up and saw a message from my boss from the company where I used to work before. I open it and read it. I sigh and put it down and started to think about rejoining it again. I was on leave for a month and never really think about joining it again with things happening. I did get bored sitting at home all time doing nothing. I don't know if Aazim will let me join again or not but I have to ask him and tell my boss about my decision.


"Hello?" I answer the phone when it keeps ringing. 

"Um... I called to tell you that I invite my friend tonight with his family for dinner. Can you clean and make dinner for them as well?" He asked me after he told me about his friend coming. 

"Yeah. I will do it. When will you be back?" I asked him and heard him sighing. 

"I will be home in an hour. They will come around 7 or 7:30." He told me and we say our goodbyes before hanging up. 

I sigh and look around the living room. It doesn't need any cleaning so I just have to make dinner. It is 5 meaning I have almost 2 hours to prepare everything. I planned to make some desi dishes and dessert. It will take an hour and half to be ready and after that I will get ready. 

When it was almost 7 Aazim came home. He says that he got stuck with some work and didn't realise how times went by. He told me that it is his childhood friend who is coming with his wife and their son. Aazim went upstairs to get fresh while I set the table. I looked up when I heard the doorbell ringing. 

"I will get." Aazim says as he pass dining area. I quickly finish my work and went outside to join him. I walk behind him and stand beside him as he greets his friend. 

"Raina, this is Zahir, his wife Umaima and their son Sabih." Aazim introduce us. I nodded with a smile and give my Salam to them. 

"Thank you for inviting us." Zahir says as we walk in the living room. 

"It is more like you invited yourself." I heard Aazim mumble making me chuckle when the Zahir laugh at Aazim. 

"It doesn't matter. You like having me here." He says and wink at Aazim making him roll his eyes while Zahir wife shake her head at her husband.

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