Chapter 15.

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I sigh and walk out of the airport

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I sigh and walk out of the airport. I hail a cab and went to my house. On my way, I take out my phone and call Raina but like every time, her phone was switched off. I look out of the window and think about the things happen in my life. Last 24 hours were the worst in my entire life. I would never forgive myself for what I tried to do with her. I feel guilty and angry on myself.

No matter whatever happen, I shouldn't lose my control and do all that, but I was emotionally broken over what Sana told me. I feel like, I got used by the person who I love with all my heart. I close my eyes and rest my head on the glass of the closed window before I feel the flashback of last night coming back.

"Sana." I call her name as she pulled me out of the room. She dropped my hand and take a few minutes before turning around. 

"What are you doing here? Did you forgot, I left you after you cheated on me with her." She says and I see anger burning in her eyes. I shake my head and put my hands on her face. 

"I never cheated on you with anyone. I loved you and I still do." I say softly and wipe the corner of her eyes as it get teary. She shakes her head and turned her face away from me. 

"Please give me a chance to explain myself." I begged her. She turned to look at me and take a step back.

"It is too late now. You should leave from here." She says and was about to walk away, but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. I couldn't let her go without telling her everything that actually happens that day. 

"You have to listen to me. Just give me a chance and I will tell you the truth. Just one chance." She looks at me for a few minutes and I see her thinking about it. I smile as I saw her nodding slightly. 

"Okay. Meet me after half an hour in the parking." She says and I hugged her whispering that she wouldn't regret it. I feel her arms stay by her side before she slowly put it on my arms.

I am going to tell her everything from start.


"Speak." I looked up and saw as she stand in front of me. I look down at the Raina number on my phone, but put it away. I tried to call her when I didn't find her in the ballroom but she cut it. I feel my phone vibrating and ignore it. Right now Sana is more important for me. 

"It was afternoon of that day and I was working in my office when I get Raina call and she tell me that someone take her away and she need my help and tell me her location that she heard from the men who kidnapped her." I saw a look crossing in her eyes before she cover it.

"I tell Hadi Bhai about it and he called police. When I was going there,  I saw a car flipped upside down and when I got off my car to help them, I feel someone hitting me making me unconscious and when I wake up, I was in room on bed with Raina beside me. I tried to wake her up, but she wouldn't get up and then I heard sirens before police break in that old house and rescues us."

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