chapter two : meeting him

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The photo is of Emma winter
Shout out to Umme_shariff for the amazing cover pic

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Chapter 2 :

I heard knocks on my door and voices coming but i cannot make out what they were telling and then again i went back to my beauty sleep

And suddenly i heard someone yell "emma i swear to god if you don't open the door in 10 seconds I'll break down this door and -..." and that was none other than mason my
I cut him off before he could finish his sentence "yeah yeah, am up going to shower and be down in few" i said trying not to sound sleepy as it realy sounded

"you better be down in 20 minutes or else you'll be late for your first day"
with that said he left and here i was sitting on my bed completely nervous all of a sudden, it was my freaking first day of my school, holy shit how can i forget about it? i better get ready i don't want to be late on my first day
Thinking that i went to shower..

Yesterday after making upto my mom telling that i was tired and it completely went over my head she told "it better be your first and last time" and after that we talked for sometime until my uncle called for dinner and then we bid our 'bye's' and after having dinner i straight away went to bed

After coming out of the shower i dried my hair and started deciding on my outfit of the day after 5 minutes of debating with myself i finally put on a black skinny jeans and white top, put on a high ponytail and applied a light coat of mascara and lip gloss and then after glancing myself at the mirror i went downstairs only to see that Mason and Alice are having a glare glare session going on. once i was down i saw uncle was almost done cooking and talking something about behavior in school .. I bid uncle mac good morning and sat down on the table until then Mason and alice were yelling at each other
"Kids will you stop yelling at each other and have your breakfast then go to school. "
"Yes dad "
"Yes dad"
They both told together

"Good morning em. Slept well?"
Alice asked
"Good morning alice. Yes i did sleep well"

"So are you excited! It's first day of your school" Mason asked
"Yeah. but more nervous than excited"
"Why? Your going to have new friends , new teachers , new books. and many more new things."
"I know but... I don't know what am i going to do. i Don't even know anyone their"
"You don't have to worry when am their with you. You can move in with my group for lunch. What say? "
"yeah. sounds good. Thanks. "
"No problem dear emma"
"Whoah...wait wait . emma is going to sit with your group. ohh poor em your going to get bored"

"ohh please little love she's going to have fun. Unlike you and your friends we don't gossip around"

"Oh please. We have fun when we gossip"
"ohh dearest sissy don't forget the gossips you do is about us."
"Yeah yeah. Whatever. lets go?"
"Yeah lets go. Ready em?"
"Bye dad. love you"
"Bye dad. love you"
" bye kids. love you too have fun and Mason behave"
I bid uncle mac bye as well which in return he told me "bye em have fun don't worry i told Mason to look after you so you don't have to go through those 'boy bullying' stuff."
"ohh thanks uncle mac"
"pleasure is all mine Darling"
"Bye" i bid him a final bye and went out where Mason and Alice are waiting for me near a mini Cooper. Mason was driving and Alice is sitting in the passenger seat and me sitting at the back with my headphones on

After fifteen minutes of driving. Mason was parking his car in the parking lot.

After parking the car, Mason got out of the car and as well as Alice and me.
Mason glanced at his watch and told me
‎"so we have about twenty minutes for our first class. until then ill give you a tour of our school ."
" Sure!" I told with excitment
"I gotta go my friends are waiting for me"
"Sure bye" Mason told Alice
"Bye em. have fun"
"By Alice. sure"
"And yeah call me alcy "
"Sure. alcy"

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