chapter eight : questions

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I woke up with my alarm ringing . I saw the time it showed 7:32. I had half-hour to get ready. I quickly went to shower and   i came back after fifteen minutes , i dried my hair and i did not have much time to decide what to wear so i went with white jean and grey tank top. I put my hair into a loose braid and applied make up which usually consisted of lip gloss and mascara.

I quickly went downstairs and saw Mason sitting and having breakfast. Alone. Where's alcy?

"Good morning uncle mac" i greeted uncle mac
"Good morning sweety" he replied with a smile
"Good morning Mason"
"Good morning em's"
"Where's alcy?"
"Ohh she stayed at her Friend's place last night so she'll directly come to school"
"Ohh okay"
i quickly my breakfast.
"Ready?" Mason asked
"Yeah." I said
We left bidding uncle bye and while walking towards his car i asked
"Thanks for last night. I really had fun."
"Ohh come on. Don't become all dramatic."
"Am not. And can i tel you something?"
"Yeah. sure"
"Promise me not to tel anyone about me. Mom told me not to tel you guys because you guys will surely do something to help. Which my mom doesn't want. You guys are already doing this much. but i just can't live peacefully and act like nothing happened. You know... "

"Em's firstly i promise you that i won't tel anyone about it. And secondly we aren't doing anything. And trust me we would love to help you. And then you don't have to act. If you need someone to share or let it out am here don't worry"

"Thanks. Maybe i just needed someone to tel. Or share what am going through"

"Yeah. Now come on or will be late"
"Yeah" with that he started driving

It was my second day at school. I don't know what to do

"Em's who's you're new friend" he asked out of blue.
"My friend?" I asked in confusion
"Yeah the one you went to lunch with yesterday?"
Ohhh no what should i tell him now.
I kept thinking about that girl back from one of my class who told me to message her. Yeah! Sydney!
"Ohh shez Sydney"
"Oh ok"

After  few minutes we arrived at school and Mason was parking the car. After parking he asked me
"If you want you can come to lunch with me"

i would love too. But what about Sydney?

"I'll think about it"
"Okay em's see you around"

After telling him bye. I directly went to my locker just then i received an text message from that same annoying unknown number

Looking pretty in that braid Angel face. xD

I turned around and looked everywhere.
This stalker is here?
I suddenly got conscious and kept my head down and started walking again. When i reached my locker i quickly took my books out and started walking towards my English class.
When i sat in my seat which was in the last second bench. I saw Sydney waving at me. I waved back and told her to come here. She started coming.
"Hello. Madam" she said
"Hello Sydney" i replied with a small smile
"So are you joining with me to lunch today?" She asked a little afraid if i would reject the offer.
"Umm yes if the offer is still available" she smiled widely. And told with an exciting voice
"Hell yes!"
"Oh thanks"
"You're welcome emma"
I just smiled in return

The classes went by and it was lunch time. Sydney had messaged me earlier stating that i should meet her near the canteen. And she'll pick me up. I was in no mood to argue so i just said okay. She came as she told and picked me up and we walked through the cafeteria. And their were two girls and 1 boy sitting. Where we stopped and Sydney introduced me to them
"Emma this is Clair."
"Hello emma nice meeting you" she said it with a smile
She was pretty with her strawberry blonde hair which reached till her hips
She was pretty addicted to makeup coz she applied pink smokey eye which matched with her outfit pink mini skirt and white blouse.
"Hello Clair." I replied back with a small smile

" this is lia and her twin brother brett as well as my boyfriend" Sydney told

"Hie emma. How are you doing. I hope you join our group" lia told with a smile
"Hello lia. Am doing fine. I hope too"
She was pretty attractive with her pale skin tone and her dressing sense was too good. She had blonde hair reached upto her shoulder.

"Hello am brett your new Friend"he said with a smirk
Am sure i won't like this guy..  I mean who tells a girl that 'am your new friend' all of a sudden
"Hie. I hope so" i replied back with a smile.
Then i sat. To my right was Sydney and and to my left was Clair and next to Sydney was brett and next to brett was lia. We chit chatted for sometime then the bell rang signalling end of lunch. We bid each other  bye and everyone told me to join them to lunch. I think they are pretty good coz they did not make the situation awkward at all. Brett with his jokes and lia with her gossips ( which only consisted of my brothers group) and clair talking here and their. Sydney all the while telling about how she and brett met or how they hated each other before. They were quiet good looking together actually.

Then the classes went by and it was time to go back home. Just then i received a text from Mason

Meet me at the parking lot. We guys are going somewhere. Mind if you join?

Why does he wants me with his friends?

I replied


When i arrived at the parking lot i saw some girls and tyler, grey, Mason, Jackson.

Tyler waved at me. I waved back

"Hello lady" tyler said and winked
I laughed and replied "hie"

"Hello emma" grey greeted with a smile

"Hello beautiful" and this was none other than the jerk face
I just ignored him

Once again Mason waited for me to reply him but when he got to know that i won't he introduced to the  girls

"Em's this is Charlotte tyler's girlfriend"
"Hey emma" she greeted she was pretty. And had great features
"Hello Charlotte"
"Ah. Call me caro"
"Sure Caro"

"This is Ashley grey's girlfriend". Whaaat? I thought he was flirting with me? Oh em he was trying to be nice get you're shitty hormones together
"Hie emma"
"Hello Ashley"
She was quiet skinny and she had most beautiful eyes
"Call me ash"
"Ash." I said with a nod

"And this is my girlfriend anna"
"Whaat you have a girlfriend? But you never told me" i pouted
"You never asked em's"
"Hello Emma he's quiet strange sometimes" anna told with a small smile "hie anna he sure is"

"And Jackson is single and happy" Mason told.
I am not at all surprised if he continued to be a jerk then he'll be single forever.
He just smirked.

"So come let's go to our usual spot" said Jackson
Usual spot?

"Yeah come on" grey told

"So will take our bikes and meet outside"Mason told

"Emma , Jackson stay here you guys go"
He told and everyone obeyed. What does he wants?

"Emma please say yes first"
What but why?
"But why" i asked repeating my thoughts
"Oh come on just say yes" he begged
"okay okay. Yes. Now what"
"Thanks sissy. You can go. Love you and sorry"
What? Is he gone mad? Why is he telling me sorry?
I just shook ny head and walked outside

I was waiting for Mason to come. But i saw his car coming but he wasn't sitting instead Jackson was sitting

He stopped the car right in front of me and smirked
"Hop on Angel face"
What? Their are so many things going on in my mind
Why is he driving Mason's car?
Why is he asking me to hop on ?

And most importantly
Angel face. Is he the one texting me?


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