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The slave compound had been in sight only a heartbeat ago. Silversand crouched low as dust thickened the gathering dusk in the Crags. The sky was the colour of Whitewing wings. Wing came to an abrupt halt, pulling Jay up beside him. This time the distant sound was loud enough for Silversand to hear. One flute-like note rose, held for a moment, then dropped away. Something rumbled.

Jay whirled. Wing screamed as Whitewing claws missed him by a hair. A wind blast flung the predator sideways.

Jay leaped to a rock beside him. Long Night crackled. 'Keep going!'

"We said we weren't going to split up!" shouted Wing.

Jay's paw lashed out as the mutt took a step towards him. Wing hissed and got hissed back at. Jay snapped something else. Wing spat, then whirled and grabbed Silversand off the ground.

"We're leaving him?" she squeaked as he dropped her on his back.

"Yes! I'm not going to get rough with him, and he's not coming himself!"

"But there's—look out!"

Silversand wrenched Wing sideways as the slave compound loomed. He shook her off his back, cussing. Silversand ran around the log wall. The gate was unguarded. "Can you jump over?" she shouted as Wing skidded up beside her.

"No idea! And I'm not going to try!"

The wind sprayed them both with sand. Silversand jumped at the gate and got her claws in the wooden bar running through two metal loops to latch it. She pulled it out. Wing ran his tail along the second bar, knocked it free and located the third one. Knocking that out too, he sank his teeth in the gate handle and hauled it open. Silversand ran inside.

The compound was barren. A sheet of canvas tacked to the back wall snapped and billowed in the wind. Silversand tiptoed around it and came face to face with a Saggitayria. He was Sethral's size but looked Silversand's age. A second Saggitayria landed beside him as he snarled. Behind the two must have been about fifty slaves, huddled together like furry moss. Silversand took a step towards a sobbing Rivrit child and got blocked.

"Who are you and what do you want?" said the first Saggitayria.

"I'm a renegade," said Silversand, attempting again to reach the tiny Rivrit. "We're here to get you out! The gate's open and my friend is waiting outside."

The Saggitayrii exchanged startled looks. A third one battled his way through the crowd and nearly choked when he saw Silversand. He tackled the creature still blocking her way. "She's a freaking Royal, Cross! Drop the tough act!" He turned to Silversand. "Did I hear the word renegade?"

"Yes, and if you want to get out of here, then come now!" said Silversand crossly, fighting past Cross to get to the crying youngster. She put the creature on her back and turned to the rest of the slaves. "We have to hurry! Come on!"

They followed her out the open gate. Someone screamed when they saw Wing and got their muzzle clamped shut. Whispers of 'Black Prince!' rippled through the group. Wing put several youngsters on his back and shut the gate.

Silversand picked up Wing's trail and began to trace it back over the rocks. Something told her it was not right that the compound had been unguarded.

Wing kept glancing over his shoulder. They were halfway back to the cave when he hissed, "Get down!"

Everyone obeyed. Wing slid to Silversand's side. "I don't think those are Hyenars," he whispered.

The flute-like calls had been occupying the sky over the army camp since they had first arrived. Now one sounded closer.

"Stay still," said Wing.

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