Chapter Thirty-Three: Thunder in the Earth

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Snap and wail, shriek and cry;

Storms do not only come by sky;

If you want to see the morning sun,

Take flight while you still have paws to run.

Take flight while you still have paws to run

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The next day was sunny again. Light sparkled off the river water and sent patterns dancing across the tunnel roof. Ryatzi hadn't woken yet and Sethral didn't want to disturb him, so she lay and watched the comings and goings in the tunnel until Jay and Wing arrived around midmorning. Sethral feigned sleep. Jay trotted up and poked her. Getting no response, he jabbed a point between her shoulders that sent the weirdest tingles up and down her back. She jerked 'awake' with a yelp and took a swipe at the Raindai, who dodged it, grinning.

'We need you both,' he clicked. 'Silversand is out hunting and we need leaders for two foraging parties. Wing and I have to help pull test boats.'

"But Ratty—"

"He's awake," said Wing. "Pretty good impression though, Copperfur. Come on; let Sethral get up."

There was a pause in which Sethral began to doubt the mutt's judgement, then Ryatzi stirred. He stretched his front paws luxuriously, opened one eye and glanced at Wing. "You're good. How'd you guess?"

"Your breathing."

"You little pond slug! You mean you were awake this whole time?" Sethral rounded on the Saberel and scrubbed his fur backwards until he tumbled away, laughing.

"Not this whole time!" he protested. "Just since those two came in! Hey Jay, can you show me that poke thing you used on her? That sounded like fun!"

"Oh no, you don't, you little—come here and I'll show you how fun that was!"

"Foragers are on the boat bank," said Wing.

"Thanks!" Ryatzi leaped clean over Sethral's wings and splashed into the river outside. In two strokes he was swept downstream.

"Dammit, I keep forgetting that thing can swim," growled Sethral, swooping after him.

"Dammit, I keep forgetting that thing can swim," growled Sethral, swooping after him

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