Volume III: Sixteen Moons

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I thank you for your presence here, and how far you have come;

This story isn't over, though it's certainly begun,

And the events that we have witnessed, though they're sad and full of pain,

Have only set the stage for the renegades to reunite again.

The group has sixteen moons now to spread out across the land,

From the southern desert forests to the northern desert sands,

And while a year and a season may seem treacherously long,

A shorter timelapse would retune it to a lesser-needed song.

And the shame of their departure? Does it rankle anyone

That they scatter like the snowflakes falling softly one by one

Upon the nearly frozen forest that they swore to protect,

And the creatures falling prey to Winter's unrestrained neglect?

It may be a valid argument, but other ones preside,

For the renegades have fought, and won, and lost, and failed, and tried,

And when there is nothing left for them, and it would hurt to stay,

Even the bravest warriors sometimes run away.

Book Three (Complete): Link in the comments!  👉🏻

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Book Three (Complete): Link in the comments!  👉🏻

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