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Your POV:

The whispering had toned down a bit after the fiasco earlier although Yoona still hadn't spoken a word to me.

It was a pretty huge news to get accustomed to. I didn't blame her.

So I sat down alone to eat lunch.

I should probably get used to being lonely now that everybody knows I'll be famous soon...

Suddenly I realized how lonely Jungkook must feel all the time. And I was his only friend outside of Bangtan.

I feel sad for him...

"Y/n," someone called my name.

I looked up. Sunbae.

"Why aren't you eating and staring into space?"


I took a bite of my lunch and faked a smile.

"Give Yoona some time. She'll come around," he said and plopped down on a chair in front of me.

"I know. I just wish she was around now. I really need a friend..."

Sunbae faked a dramatic hurt look.

"Then who am I? A potato?"

I laughed. "Ani yo. That's me."

"At least you laughed," he smiled and ruffled my hair.

Suddenly my smile dropped as I remembered Jungkook did that too. Was that all a lie? Every time he called me "cute rascal" and ruffled my hair, was it fake?

"What happened? Y/n? Are you okay?," Sunbae's voice pierced through the hazy pain of memories.


I hadn't realized I had started crying.

"Excuse me," I said and quickly got up. Then, without looking back, walked out with my head down.

I walked and walked until I reached the rooftop.

Then I fell to the floor and broke down.

It was ironic I couldn't even cry openly anymore since everybody thought I wasn't even dating him... and the fact that if I was seen crying, would implement otherwise and in the end, hurt his image.

I clutched my shirt in an attempt to stop the throbbing pain in my chest.

How even my tears were now somehow tied to someone who wanted nothing with my existence whatsoever.

I was all alone with the world on my coattails because of him and I can't even cry because HE would suffer.

I was just about to collapse when strong arms encircled me.


"Jungkook...?," I said against his chest.

Then looked up and squinted my eyes to make out his features.

But it wasn't Jungkook.

"No, I'm sorry," sunbae said. He looked hurt.

And I hurt just about the only person who is by my side right now. Great.

"I'm sorry," my voice cracked.

But in answer, he pulled me into a hug, both of us on the floor and soothed me.

However, instead of calming, I was back to the day when I was on the top, and crying... but instead of sunbae, it was Jungkook cooing me.

"Don't cry anymore, y/n. Please. It tears at my heart. I don't know what to do to make it easier for yours, but seeing you like breaks mine. I know it must be a lot more harder for you since you... really love him."

I looked up at him, shocked.

"I know. I'm not blind, like the rest of the world. Like Jungkook. But when the love that used to make you smile doesn't do that anymore, it's time to let it go. It's served its purpose," he said, wiping my tears that now fell silently.

At least for him, I thought miserly.

I sniffed and nodded.

"Let's get you away from here. You'll only feel depressed being around him," he said, pulling me up along with himself.

I scoffed. "I'm doomed to be near him. I'm a trainee at his company, aren't I? As if seeing him at school isn't bad enough." My voice still cracked mentioning him.

"Well don't worry about seeing me. I'll steer clear of you, ducky," Jungkook said, suddenly appearing at the doorstep. His voice was dripping hurt anger.


"Just dropped by to tell you you need to leave with me right now. You're needed back at the company."

"I still have biology," I said in a small voice.

"I can see that," he spat eyeing sunbae's arms around me.

"I'll be there after I submit my application to the office," I said and awkwardly stepped a little away from sunbae.

Jungkook angrily rolled his eyes, exclaimed, then walked over, grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind him. "Bang PD-nim already discussed it with the school. How dumb are you? We're getting late," he snapped at me.

I looked back at sunbae while being hopelessly dragged by Jeon musclekook.

Once we were out on the stairs, he quickly let go of my hand.

Still feeling guilty about hurting him with my words, I said, rubbing my wrist, "I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I didn't mean it that-"

But I was cut off, "No it's all right. It's better if we don't see each other at all. Makes things easier." And he stalked off without looking back.

Then he came around and said,"And since we've decided that already, I'll take off. Don't be late. The driver is waiting for you."

And he was gone.

Leaving me too numb to even feel the pain.

Okay, for those asking for a Jungkook POV, it's still too soon for it. But don't worry, I'll post it up soon xx ❤

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