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Your POV:

We all turned around at once to see Yoona in the doorway.

I blinked a few times to see if she disappears. To be honest, I found my brain conjuring up Yoona to avoid this situation more plausible than her actually coming to my rescue.

"Aren't you going to excuse us?," Yoona said, looking from sunbae to Jungkook, who both muttered something.

Sunbae looked at me to make sure I was okay being left alone with Yoona.

I guess he remembered the slap as well.

Instinctively my hand reached to feel my cheek.

But I nodded and he left, giving Yoona a meaningful look.

When Jungkook didn't leave, Yoona came up to him and said, "I'll drop her off, I said. Now would you mind giving us a moment to talk?"

Whoa.  Badass Yoona in the house folks.

Inhaling sharply, Jungkook looked at me and I looked away.

Yeah I'd better get slapped by Yoona again than be in a car alone with you.

Turning on his heel, he stomped out like an angry child that I knew he was.

After he left, an awkward silence befell in the room.

For a moment I thought Yoona would leave too but then she turned around and walked over to me.

I don't know why but I cupped my cheek.

Which earned a snicker from her as she said, "Are you okay?"

Relief spreading through me on hearing her voice after so long, I nodded. Partly because I couldn't find the words and partly because there was a lump in my throat that wouldn't go down.

"I heard sunbae. I'm sorry," she said after a little pause.

Turned out it wasn't just me struggling with words.


But instead, she hugged me and started crying. Loudly.

Huh? Wasn't I the one supposed to be needing comfort?

I patted her back as she babbled in garbled noises while crying.

"I'm so sorry I didn't listen to your side of the story and in my jealousy, even hit you. You must have suffered for so long! I didn't even realize that until I saw you faint and all the bruises on your legs. I'm so sorry y/n. I'm so sorry."

It was hard to decipher her words while she was crying to the fullest but I wouldn't be her best friend if I couldn't even do that.

Having her cry on my shoulder was my undoing and I burst in ugly ass tears too.

I didn't understand what those tears were for: happiness at having Yoona back, my misery or the fact I felt too tired?

But we cried until our hearts felt contented.

And when we pulled away, we both burst out laughing.

"Look at the size of your snot!," Yoona said and I quickly wiped my nose off my sleeve. Dang it, Imma have to do laundry anyway.

"You're one to talk," I said, pointing to her nose and we laughed some more.

Then, Yoona took the covers off and looked at my legs.

Pain smeared her beautiful features as she said, "Is it this hard for you?"

And I felt the lump once again.

You're still not my bias: Jeon Jungkook x readerWhere stories live. Discover now