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Jungkook's POV:

All my emotion turned to a bitter taste when the scene played in front of my eyes.

I had followed behind her to school. I wanted to tell her about the bruises on her legs as she didn't seem to have noticed but she had told me to keep my distance.

I was already worried about Jimin hyung after the time I saw her in his shirt... and made a note to myself to confront Jimin hyung again.

To top it off, her sunbae was giving me a tough time too. As if Jimin hyung wasn't enough.

Her sunbae had grabbed her wrist and turned her around... but she fainted...

...in his arms.

I ran to catch her instead, but he had already carried her bridal style.

I spat the venom as I saw him carry her to the nurse's station.

But what absolutely made me want to rip his head off was the he TOUCHED DUCKY'S LEGS AND THIGHS! How dare he? I would break his hands! He touched her where even I HADN'T TOUCHED HER YET! I knew he was a slick bastard.

I would tell ducky to stay away from him.

But as soon as I had asked her to come with me, her friend came and took her away from me.

But instead of leaving, I stuck around outside the room to listen, for I didn't trust this girl to not slap ducky again.

But then...

I don't know why it broke my heart just listening to her talk. Maybe it was because we hadn't actually talked in so long or the fact she was in so much pain while talking...

The silence after her friend asked if it was hard for her was screaming "yes". I knew it was hard for her, then why did it hurt like I was listening to new news?

"Are your members not treating you right?"

I strained to hear her.

But my heart dropped when she quietly said, "No..."

So no one was on her side?

I had to hold my shirt in an attempt to soothe the piercing pain in my heart.

She never complained, she never told anyone she was suffering...

Why? Was it because she didn't want to harm my image..?

And this thought alone blinded me with pain.

The girl I chose to leave because I was too afraid of the consequences was still taking every step to ensure my safety?

Yes, I admit it.

I left her alone because I was afraid it would harm me at the peak of my career. I couldn't afford any scandals. It was easier just denying than standing against all odds.

But that was not the entire reason.

True, mostly it was because I was selfish. But another reason was her safety. I was afraid sasaengs would physically harm her. Hyuna noona although got the verbal hate, she was safe from any physical harm because she was an idol. It wasn't the case with ducky...

And it was supposed to have ended by now. The hate towards her... since we never dated for the world.

But she was still suffering because of me.

Not only had she been forced to completely change her life by becoming a part of a group, she was being bullied by her members.

I had never hated myself more.

"Why?" Her friend asked.

"Because of the whole Jungkook incident," she replied, obviously weighing her words. But hearing my name from her mouth was too painful.

"It's true, isn't it?," her friend suddenly asked.

She was smart.

"You're dating Jungkook, isn't it? Is that why they treat you badly?"

No... is that really why?

"I'm not dating him...," she said. "Anymore."

And the flatness in her voice wasn't lost on me.

"It just happened, you know. I didn't even realize when I had begun liking him. I never thought it would happen. When I got offered the job as their makeup artist, I wouldn't even have imagined this. But after the whole anti attacking Jungkook, we became friends-"

And I couldn't stand anymore. Her admitting her liking me and the mention of the attack and her selfless bravery made me weak in the knees.

"SO IT WAS YOU?," her friend interrupted her.

But I was back to the day ducky had jumped right in front of me, fear in her eyes.

How the fear had evaporated with a single sideways jerk when the rock hit her.

How she fell down in front of me, covered in blood.

How she smiled when I asked her to open her eyes.

How she opened them slightly, smiled and said, "You're okay," and had gone out.

I had to put my hand on my mouth the stop myself from sobbing.

The girl who didn't bother about her own life was someone I left just for the sake of my career?

I had the urge to puke. I was disgusting. She had been there to protect me when I was at my weakest point and I left her when she needed me - SOMEONE - by her side when no one else was?

Who was actually suffering? My repute, with thousands of people by my side agreeing that I couldn't have dated her or her, who had none, had lost her image even before it was built and still didn't speak?

"Well, he told everyone we never dated so I had no choice but to go along with his decision. I'm guessing it was to save his reputation," she spoke but even a deaf person could hear the hurt in her voice.

She knew my reasons... but she didn't know part of it was for her too. Although it didn't matter anymore.

"So it's all speculation on everyone's part but you're paying for it because they think it's true?," there was anger in her friend's voice.

"Why are you taking all the BS, Y/N? When there's nothing for you to feel guilty about? For the world, you never dated Jungkook, so why the hell are you suffering alone?"

It stung with every word she said.

"If you take any more crap from anyone, be it your members, antis or even Jeon Jungkook, I will cut you up like a bitch. You hear me?," her friend, Yoona said, and I smiled a rueful smile.

At least now she had someone. Besides her sunbae.

"Good girl. Now let's get you back at your dorms," Yoona said and I quickly got up.

Wiping my tears, I set out, determined to help ducky.

And I just knew how.

A/n: as promised ;) Jungkook POV ;)


Idk if it's eid yet everywhere but Eid Mubarak to those who celebrate it ❤

And I guess the next update will be by 4th of July lol 😂

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