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Your POV:

It can't be true, right?

Jungkook had just started to become nicer to me again. It was probably some fan theory or shit.

I thought for a while.

The pictures they showed were all the ones I had seen on the internet before.

It was known in the fandom that Jungkook held a candle for IU. So they probably just started the rumor with those fake, edited pictures.

With these thoughts, I felt a lot better.

But still, there was a void in my chest and ringing in my head - albeit fainter - was still there, warning me.

I guess I'd be okay once BigHit announces officially that it was just a rumor.

"Y/n?," Minjoo called my name and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"You okay?"

I nodded absentmindedly.

But I jumped a little when her hand touched mine. I hadn't realized that I was fiddling with the locket around my neck.

Her hand stopped my nervous fidgeting and I instantly let go of the locket.

"It's beautiful," she said.


"I take it from the Mine engraved that it was Jungkook who gave it to you?," she said, solemn.

The mention of his name made the memories come flooding in.

But my thoughts were interrupted when she put a hand on my shoulder.

"I know you fainted because of the news. And I don't know how to make it okay for you, y/n. I feel so sorry."

Her voice was laden with emotion.

"Unnie, it's just a rumor. All the pictures were fan made and they just used the fact that Jungkook fancies IU. I was stupid to have bought it. Unless Jungkook says so himself, it's all just fake," I said, smiling although it felt like I wasn't telling this to her... It felt like I was telling myself, convincing myself that it was the case.

She was about to say something but just pursed her lips.

Before I could ask her what it was she wanted to say, my phone rang.

Hoping it was Jungkook, calling to tell me it was a lie, I picked up my phone but my spirits dampened when I saw who it was.

"Hi, sunbae."

There was a silence on the other end and I felt a little guilty for the disappointment was evident in my voice.

"I, uh.. am outside your dorms.."

And that's when I remembered that sunbae had something to tell me.

"Oh right! I'll come-," but I stopped when I saw Minjoo shake her head. "Hold on a moment, sunbae."

I placed a hand on the phone and looked at her.

"You can't go right now. The practice starts in like half an hour. Bang PD-nim specifically asked for you to stay at home and get better."

"What do I do now? He had something to tell me," I pouted.

"Bring him in. Have a talk here." Then she stopped at looked at me, suddenly resembling my mom when she said, "In the lounge. I'll send the girls away so bring him in."

That left a warm smile on my face as I nodded and told sunbae I'd get the door.

Minjoo cleared the lounge and the girls left looking all irritated. Apparently they were watching something on the TV.

When I came in the lounge, I saw what it was. News.

Armys, they were too. I smiled as I realized they were waiting for the official BigHit answer to the new controversy.

And since I was probably more interested in knowing the outcome, I turned the volume down but left the TV on.

"How are you now?," he asked the first thing after he saw me.

"I'm okay now. Been better, though."

"I know," he said and then he went all quiet.

I waited for him to speak but he kept staring at his hands as if making up his mind.

As I waited for him to get ready for whatever he wanted to say, my eyes strayed towards the TV and back to him.

"Sunbae, you wanted to talk...?," i probed when he made no attempt to open his mouth.

He inhaled.

"Remember how I told you that I had a way to help you through this anti-fan crisis?"

I did. Although it had left my mind after I was winded by the blow of the paparazzi.

I nodded.

"Well... you know," he started and then paused, carefully choosing his words as if he were approaching a wounded bird. It made me anxious.

"Just say it, sunbae. What's there to hesitate about between us?"

He exhaled. Had he been holding his breath this whole time?

"Since most of the anti-fans' hatred stemmed from the whole... er, Jungkook scandal... I um, thought it would be best if you made them think that there wasn't anything there to begin with?

"I mean, Jungkook had publicly denied and so had BigHit yet people still hate you because of the slight possiblity of everything being a lie and you two having had dated for real, right?"

I nodded slightly, not following where he was going with this.

"What better way to prove to people that you in fact didn't date Jungkook or have feelings for him... than to show them you're dating someone else?"

I thought for a while and said despite the pain of thinking of dating someone else, "But who will I date? I have no one."

"Me. You can date me."

For a moment I was frozen. Not only because of sunbae's suggestion, but also because of what I was seeing on the TV.

It was like I was blindsided. Getting attacked from both sides.

"BigHit have released an official statement regarding the rumors of BTS' Jungkook and IU dating.

Jungkook and IU met a little while ago in hopes for a collaboration but things went well and they are dating now. We look upon the Armys to show them love and support at the start of their budding romance.

And there you have it folks, the years long speculation and yearning of shipping these two has finally paid off-"

And I turned the TV off, realizing I was going numb from my toes upward.

With absolutely nothing in my head and no beat in chest, I looked at sunbae with a determined look.

"I'll do it. I'll date you."

A/n: I know no more author's notes but just wanted to put it out there that we're almost half way through the story :)

Thank you to everyone who reads my book ❤

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