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Your POV:

I woke up feeling warm. Too warm.

I tried opening my eyes but just the effort hurt my head like crazy.

So I decided to sleep a little more.

I shifted to my right and my face buried in something. I wouldn't have thought much if the thing didn't hug me back.

Terrified out of my wits, I couldn't even scream.

I opened my eyes to see a sturdy neck. It was definitely a male neck.

Gasping, I turned my head to see the ceiling. It was not my room.

It was Jungkook's room.

As if his body repelled mine, I jerked away from his grasp, only to be pulled back by his strong arms.

He was fast asleep.

I tried to pry myself out of his grasp, only to be pulled tighter until I gave up when I realized I might break my spine.

I felt too hot. Not only because it was Jeon Jungkook snuggling into me, it was Jeon fucking Jungkook snuggling into me!

Stuck there, I wondered what the hell actually happened. The only thing I remembered was drinking soju...

...or the call of the ramyun delivery guy. Hm, did I eat ramyun? Why am I so hungry if I did?

No, that was not important. How did I end up in Jungkook's bed?

Perhaps we ate ramyun together? Aish jinja stop thinking about food!

I looked at the bunny clung to my chest, nuzzling and tried recalling what happened.

What astounded me was how calm I was in this situation... just for the fear that if I scream, he would wake up.

He looked too peaceful for me to scare the living crap out of him no matter how much I wanted to pee.

He shifted and pulled his face off my chest and buried it in my neck, suicide bomber butterflies going off in my belly.

But the butterflies were soon cremated when my gaze went to his bare shoulder.

My breath becoming uneven, I lifted the cover to see Jungkook... in his underwear... clung to me like ivy.


And suddenly I didn't care how long it had been since Jungkook had some quality sleep.

Jungkook fell off the bed and regaining his composure in a heartbeat, jumped back up to stifle me, only for my eyes to go wide and... roam on his body so close to mine.

I was screaming, against his hand. But why wasn't any sound coming out?

My eyes darted from his eyes, to his lips which were shushing me, to his clavicle, his muscular chest, his...

I gulped against his hand.

His abs, his V-line evident above the waistband of the black boxers.

And suddenly I giggled.

Jungkook kept looking at me as if I were crazy.

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