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Your POV:

I ran inside, afraid Jungkook was going to hit me or something.

But then I stopped.

Why was I running again? Just because he told me to? Seriously where's the feminist in me? Tsk.

Why was he angry though?

Must have fought with IU.

And the thought suddenly brightened my mood. But I shook the thought away. He was over me. I should get over him too.

Then I remembered he told me Bang Pd-nim was looking for me so wondering what he could need me for this urgently, I went to his office.

Before I knocked, I had a foreboding moment of terror. The warning bells rang again in my head.

But I knocked and went in.

The usually smiling face of Bang Pd-nim was warped in anger.

Instantly, I felt fear and my mind started racing to what I could have done wrong.

I hadn't fallen sick lately and had been pretty regular with the practice and everything.

Maybe he was done with my whiny, weepy, weak and cry-baby ass.

Just like Jungkook was.

As I stood there, I suddenly realized that I was always scared of people not wanting me or hating who I was and leaving me without even a proper goodbye. What had happened to me?

"Is it true?," he said, after a deep thought.

I was shaken out of self pity and self chastising.


He exhaled and looked at me right in the eye. "Are you dating?"

And my heart dropped. I knew trainees weren't supposed to date. I never thought he would know... it wasn't like we were running around showing PDA like a certain couple...

But now that he was looking straight at me, I couldn't lie. So I nodded once, ashamed.

"I saw so much potential in you, y/n. And I was so proud of how you carried yourself when the scandal broke out even before your debut. You were the smartest and wisest of them all. I trusted you so much. How could you?"

I felt so ashamed that I wanted to just die right then and there.

"I'm s-sorry," was I could manage.

"Were you or were you not aware of the policy about trainees not dating?"

"I was aware."

"Then why?"

To this, I had no answer. What could I tell him anyway? That I didn't actually think I was dating sunbae? That I didn't actually like him more than a friend? That I in reality still loved Jungkook? Or maybe that in a way, I had tried to entice him?

When to Bang PD-nim, we never even dated.

This was so absurd that my brain started to pound as I could only bow my head in shame.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry," I kept repeating like a mantra.

"Did your members know about this? Did they help you?"

You're still not my bias: Jeon Jungkook x readerWhere stories live. Discover now