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Your POV:

I did not know what was happening.

All I knew was that the earth beneath my feet was pulled with a jerk and that landed me straight on my ass.

Jungkook was long gone, leaving me a mess of emotions.

What was the meaning of this?

Wasn't he supposed to be ignoring me?

All this touching.. suggesting... and then his revealing such an important information.

What is he doing?

Ignoring my very existence and making me feel worthless one moment... and then.. I touched my lower lip where his thumb had been..

I didn't realize I was trembling until I bit my tongue. "Son of a-!"

Well, I got my voice back at least.

As I cleaned up the room along with my Jungkook laden thoughts, I didn't notice a figure to have silently left from outside, having witnessed the whole scene.

By the time I reached the dorms, it was already past 12.

It was dead quiet so I figured everybody was asleep.

Feeling a little thirsty after all the "playing", I went to the kitchen and gasped to see all the dishes left undone.

I was on the verge of tears now.

It was Mina's turn today. We had divided the chores and kept rotating the turns bit somehow all the turns kept being stuck on me.

Wiping the tears, I turned on the tap and started on with them, my mind reeling on the homework I'd still left undone.

I guess I'll just pull an all-nighter...

Finishing all the dishes and then my homework, I saw light seeping through the window.

It was morning already.

I sighed, packed my bag and went to get ready.

"Yah! Don't hog the bathroom so early on in the morning! Palli! (Quick)," Haeyeon banged on the door.

I quickly brushed my teeth and got out. She moved past me mumbling, clearly annoyed by my existence but I didn't even have the energy to say "sorry."

"Whoa, who did all the dishes?," Mina asked like a shameless wanton. Smiling shamelessly.

"Who else? Y/n did," Minjoo said, rolling her eyes at Mina, who looked at me, not the least bit grateful.

"Well she should pay for her deeds."

Pulling my socks up, I said, "kkan da (I'm going)," and picked my bag.

Every body just got quiet as I left the room and went towards the door.

Yes. I was done. Say all you want, I'll just stop fighting. I'm tired. So tired.

Still, my nose twitched in the anticipation of tears and I wanted to stuff my fist in it.

"Would you for once NOT cry at every little thing!," I said in exasperation, walking down the street.

Then stopped short to see Jungkook come out from BTS' dorms and walk towards me.

Oh crap, I knew after that steamy scene, this awkward phase would follow.

Do I wait for him to catch up or walk away like nothing happened?

Aish, it's already too late, you've been standing here LOOKING at him too long, making up your mind! Now just smile and say hi when he approaches you, jeez! For fu-

But my hand froze mid air and the smile froze as he passed me, literally walked past me without even a glance at my face.

"Hi...," the word came out when he was already gone.


Did he not see me?

No, that's not possible. With the spectacular statue I made of myself, astronauts will be facepalming on their glass helmets from outer space right now.

....was he ignoring me again?

I scoffed, even more hurt.

Does he think I'm some sort of a dog he can pet when he wants to and then kick aside because I'm too ugly?

I know I've given up on fighting back and talking to anyone... I should let this go.

But with the goddamn tears and everything, my resolve crumbled and I stalked towards him.

And walked.

And walked.

AH GODDAMN HIS LONG LEGS! I'd just been zoned out a couple minutes and look at the distance he covered!

Finally, I reached him.

"Hey!," I said, huffing and panting.

He either didn't hear me, or worse, ignored me.

The limit to my tolerance was already breached and I grabbed his arm and spun him around.

"I..," huff huff, "said..," pant pant, "HEY!," I said, angrily although all the huffing and panting did make it sound like a puppy barking.

He stared at me, apparently shaken by my audacity.

Hell yeaww bij, you thought I'd keep taking your BS?

So there we stood, looking at each other while I got my wind back.

I put my finger up in a gesture of 'one moment' and his mouth twitched. I don't even know why because the astronauts up there knew how pissed I looked right now.

"You know, I'm not even gonna ask what your actions last might meant," I started.

"Good, because they meant nothing," he said before I could continue and it felt like someone just puched me in the non existent nuts so hard I was left winded - for a different reason altogether.

Clutching my shirt above my heart because it physically hurt at this moment, I said through clenched teeth, "Then stop playing with me like a fool you take me for. I'm not your whore for you to come when you want to and then ignore me like filth. I'd appreciate your pure celebrity ass keep its distance like it's so good at doing," and the rebellious tears fell down.

I didn't look at his face because I dared not to or else I would break right there.

And now I walked past the statue that was him.

Maybe if my group members were nicer, or my life wasn't falling apart or maybe if I had a little sleep that I wouldn't have lost it with him.

But now that I did...

All the frustration left my body.

But why didn't the pain go?

When will I ever stop hurting?

A/n: whoa that was intense, even for me to write.

And sorry guys I've been going through writer's block so it isn't a great update but since you'd all been waiting so I posted ❤

And since the block won't let me write this one, I'll still update CIAL cause all my inspiration went there somehow 😂 I hope the block lifts soon though 😓

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