Part I Chapter 9 - Let's meet a God

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In this world, beside me, there are three kinds of Gods: the High Gods, the Mid Gods and the Low Gods. I know the first two categories very well, since I was the one who created them.

The High Gods are the most powerful ones. Including the Goddess of Light Naia, there are six of them. The Gods of Elements. Like their name implies, each one of them control a specific element. But while their power over their respective element is absolute, they seriously lack in other attributes.

The Mid Gods are slightly weaker than the High Gods, but still shouldn't be taken lightly. I based them off humans' emotions and feelings, so there should be about twenty of them, maybe less. In contrary to the High Gods, they aren't specialized in any magic attribute and are much more polyvalent.

And then there are the Low Gods. To be honest, I don't know much about them. The reason is simple: I wasn't the one who created them. The Low Gods were created by the other Gods, the High Gods to be precise. So, while they are much weaker than the Mid Gods and can't give any blessings, they still belong to the Divine race and are stronger than any human beings –or anything similar. I'm not sure how many they are, but there should be at least a hundred of them around the world.

If the boy says the truth, then I wonder what kind of god he saw... Well, in all cases, that's sounds really interesting. After fourteen years in this world, this is actually the first chance I have to meet a fellow divine being. I'm definitely not letting this go. I might even be able to learn things. I decided: let's meet a god!

"Hahahahahaha! Have you heard this, guys?" The adventurer burst out laughing. "First it's a monster, now it's a god!"

"That's the truth! I saw it with my own eyes!" The boy shouted.

"Then there is something wrong with your eyes! Look, kid, I'm really sorry about your situation, but you shouldn't lie like this. It's not going to help."

"I'm not lying!"

"So you're saying that everything that happened was because of a god?" The adventurer asked, as he put his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Well, that's even more a reason for us not to do anything."

He stayed silent for a while, and then he started laughing again, clearly not believing the boy's story. The boy just looked at him, his face reddened in anger for not being taking seriously. I turned to him.

"So, what kind of god is it?" I asked.

The adventurer and his party members stopped laughing, and the boy looked up at me, widening his eyes. As he was about to say something, the adventurer spoke first.

"Hey, hey, young lady, don't tell me you believe this kid's words?"

I shrugged. "Why not? Why would he lie about this? Like you said, it's not in his interest."

He frowned. "Right... Brats are just brats after all... All the same, wanting to believe in things that don't exist..."

Ignoring his remark, I turned my gaze to the boy a second time. "Why don't you tell me more about this?"

The boy silently nodded, before leading me to a remote corner, away from any curious ears and eyes. For a short moment, he stayed quiet, seemingly thinking about something. Then, he looked up at me.

"Big sis, you believe me?" He asked.

"I don't think you lied. But it doesn't mean that I believe that what you saw is correct. That's why you need to tell me more. How did you know it was a god?"

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