Part II Chapter 38 - Request

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What in the world is he doing here?

"Big sister!"

Following her visit, the Chief Secretary led the way to the headmaster's office. Seeing me growing restless -no one would go to the headmaster's office with a light heart after all- she explained that I was not in trouble and that there was someone waiting for me there. Someone from the outside.

As far as I knew, the school did not allow visitors. To begin with, the Academy was located in a rather hostile region, secluded from any civilization. Very few people would care to risk such a journey just to visit a relative. It's not like if students were hostages after all. They returned home during the holidays. So I had no idea who this visitor of mine could be. As much as I would have loved to, it was very unlikely to be my mom. My uncle or my aunt? Not a chance. And I had no other relatives. So I concluded that it must have been a mistake. However, now that I see him, I understand it's not.

"I've been looking for you everywhere!" the young boy exclaimed.

It was Axis, the child I met not so long ago in Eskor, who tried to rob me. How did he get here?

"A teacher on patrol duty found him wandering in the area," Mrs. Kelly explained. "With all the dangerous beasts roaming around, we couldn't let such a young child alone out there so we brought him here. Turns out he was looking for you this whole time. Do you know him?"

I nodded.

"I do. We come from the same kingdom. What is he doing here?"

"That's what we would like to know but..." the Chief Secretary let out a long sigh, "he wouldn't tell us."

"I told you I came for big sister Lynett!" Axis shot.

"Anyway," Mrs. Kelly readjusted the glasses on her nose bridge, "we've called for a carriage, but it will take a while for it to arrive. Since you know him, do you mind looking after him for a couple of days? The headmaster and I are quite busy, and the other staff members all have their own duties."

And I don't? I'm a student, I know it's the weekend, but I also have things to do, like homework and stuff like that! Well, actually I don't, but imagine if I did!

"Naturally, we will take that into account in your record," she continued, "we will be more lenient for your next assessments."

So, basically, she's not giving me the chance to refuse.

"Alright," I accepted. "I can do that."

Axis came for me for a reason after all. I'm interested in what he has to say.

The severe features of Mrs. Kelly softened as she let out a sigh of relief.

"Good, if you need anything, let me know," she said. "In the meantime, I apologize, but I'll need you to leave the room as soon as possible. The headmaster will return soon."

Yeah, she did seem in a hurry. I wonder if there is something wrong with the board?

As Mrs. Kelly pretty much kicked us out, I brought Axis to my room. While boys weren't allowed in our dormitory, Axis was an exception as I had a special authorization from the Chief Secretary. Nomi hasn't heard about it yet, though. I hope she won't mind it too much. But seeing the big deal she made out of Cotton's presence, she probably will, although those two situations aren't exactly alike.

Axis followed in silence, too busy admiring the facilities of the school to utter a single word. For a boy like him, who has probably known nothing else but streets and precariousness, I can imagine how impressive it must be. He was in awe at the simple sight of the courtyard.

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