Part I Chapter 13 - Unusual trio

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"Y-You traitor!"

Ah... I want to go home already. Why do I have to resolve the disputes of two Gods who are a thousand times older than me? I feel like a mother who has to put an end to a siblings' fight... which is not entirely false actually. But seriously. Are those two really partially responsible of the World's management? I hope all my Gods aren't like this. Well, if they were, I'm pretty sure the world would have ended already.

"I asked for your help to retrieve my territory!" Yoko exclaimed. "Who the hell told you to steal it from me?!"

I sighed. "You guys don't leave me the choice... If I don't do something, this ridiculous fight will last for a while. You have drawn enough attention on yourselves like this, lately. If this keeps going, humans will retaliate."

Yoko shrugged. "So what? I can deal with a few thousands of humans, you don't have to worry about that!"

"... Yoko... It's not for your safety that I'm worried about."

She squinted her eyes before pinching her nose bridge, letting out a loud sigh.

"First Naia, and now you too... Seriously, what's so special about them? Why do you guys want to protect humans so much?" She grunted.

"Well that was unexpected...!" Harri sneered. "I guess that means we have to leave?"

I shrugged. "Not really. You know, I don't really care about all these territory issues and rules. To be honest, I have absolutely no interest in this land, but I can't let you sow panic either. So now this place is mine. You can stay as much as you want, but no fights allowed. My territory, my rules. If you have something to say, go ahead, we'll settle this right now."

Harri chuckled. "Haha, no way. That's fine by me! I'm not crazy enough to challenge the Creator in a duel! Besides, I'm a gentleman! I don't fight ladies!"

...What about Yoko, then? Is she not a woman too?

"This one doesn't count, it's a fox." He added, answering my unspoken thoughts.

"How did it come to this..." Yoko complained, placing her hand across her face. "I lost my territory and now I'll have to cope with this idiot everyday."

"Sorry about that." I responded. "So I'm guessing that you're fine with it?"

"Of course not." She retorted. "But it's not like if I had the choice, do I? The idiot over there is fine, I can handle him, but I'm not fighting the top dog. I don't want to be treated like a pet again..."

Oh. Her pride must have taken a real blow back then. Sorry, I won't do it again... probably.

"But why are you guys so stubborn to stay here?" I asked, changing the subject. "The two of you obviously can't stand each other, yet none of you is willing to leave. I doubt this is just about pride. Is there something special here? Don't Gods live isolated?"

"That depends on our personality." Harri started to explain. "Take Naia for example, she is pretty fond of humans. She is living among them. On the other hand, there are those of us who are much less sociable, like the minx. Yoko is reclusive. She prefers seclusion and avoids humans' territory... usually."

Is that so? Then what is she doing here? I turned my gaze to Yoko, furrowing my forehead. "If you hate humans so much, how come you've settled here?"

She shrugged. "It's not that I hate them, it's just that I think they're stupid and I'd rather not get myself involved with them. But well, I like it here. A few humans aren't enough to make me leave."

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