Part I Chapter 14 - Visit

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Umh... How did this happen?

Currently, I am in one of the waiting room of the Whiteheart mansion. The room was spacious, but not too empty. Pictures sprawled on each walls, depicting beautiful landscapes and, underneath, a cream carpet covered almost the whole room. In the center, there was a large and elegant table, made of a high polished wood, free of either dust or clutter. Two couches, inlaid with a fine red silk and flowers embroidered delicately, were arranged to each side of the center table.

I was sitting in the middle of one of the couch, as I could feel tension and anxiety building up in me. At my right, there was Yoko. She was comfortably seated as she cross her arms in front of her, leaning on the backrest of the sofa with her feet on the table. At my left, Harri. His legs crossed, he was resting his head on his hand, his elbow placed on the arm of the couch.

They totally made themselves at home.

In front of us, on the opposite sofa, there were Uncle Jack and Aunt Nora. My uncle has always been a serious person. I don't think I've ever seen him smile. But right now, his expression couldn't appear any more serious than this. His fingers crossed in front of him, he is looking at me as if I just brought the downfall of the family. Ugh... His gaze is killing me... On the other hand, Aunt Nora won't stop clenching her teeth. Her face turned completely red. I'm not sure if she is angry or frustrated right now, but she is clearly not pleased by my guests.

Standing on the side of each couch, there were Ivy and Yao. Ivy was as stiff as a stick as she kept shivering, unable to withstand the tense atmosphere, while Yao won't stop hissing at us.

I am not sure how long it has been since it began, but currently, we are pretty much having a staring contest. No one is saying anything; we just stare at each other in silence. While Harri and Yoko stand their ground without flinching, a huge smile on their face, I, on the other hand, can't maintain the eye-contact.

What's with this situation? As I thought, it was a bad idea to bring Harri and Yoko here. I am going to die. Forget about my cheat stats, if this tension doesn't subside quickly, I am going to die of nervousness.

Anyway, to explain this situation, I guess a little flashback is necessary. Returning to one hour ago, I left the Adventurers' Guild with Harri and Yoko, looking for Ivy.


"YOUNG MISTRESS!!" Ivy cried out.

I was approaching the plaza where I first met Axis and where I ditched Ivy. As she noticed me, Ivy ran to my side, grabbing both of my hands.

"Young mistress! Where were you?! Do you know how much time has passed since you disappeared? You can't leave me behind like this! I almost died of concern! What if something had happened to you?! What would I have done?! And how would I have explained this to the Lord?!" She exclaimed in panic, with tearful eyes.

Hearing her complains, I could feel guilt slowly building up in me. I did say I would be right back after all, and yet... Such a reckless behavior from me could cost her her job, or maybe even worse. "Sorry..." I muttered with a small voice.

Seeing my regretful expression probably calmed her down a little as she let out a relieved sigh, but she wasn't over. However, as she was about to resume her lecture, she noticed the two figures standing beside me: Yoko and Harri. Her eyes widened, she just froze in place, staring at them. Her mouth opened slightly, probably trying to say something, but she just couldn't successfully utter anything. She slowly turned her gaze on me, clearly expecting me to explain the situation.

[ The Administrator ]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें