Part II Chapter 33 - Go-ahead

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"What were you thinking?!"

Alright, I've done it.

"Do you even realize your situation?!"

There is no turning back now.

"Lynett, are you listening?!"

Vivian's ringing voice forcefully pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, I am."

After accepting my challenge, Aoban left the refectory and as soon as he disappeared, I was dragged out, away from the growing commotion. We were now in a secluded place, not too far from the dormitories, and although I haven't checked out of politeness, I'm pretty sure it's been at least ten minutes that I've been listening to Vivian's non-stop nagging. It feels like I'm being scolded by my mother, really. Once she finally seemed to have finished, she bit her cracked lips and buried her head in her arms, slowly shrinking. She looks ten times more worried now than she was when she realized she accepted Lucius' duel.

"I think what you did was really cool," Jalone's hesitant voice broke the silence.

"Don't encourage her!" scolded Vivian.

I smiled wryly at her, trying to ease her worries.

"It's just a duel, you know? Just like you and Lucius. It's the same thing."

"That's why I'm mad at you!" The young girl stressed, her voice filled with both concern and anger. "You're repeating my same stupid mistake! You got carried away by your emotion and signed your own death warrant! Besides, it's not the same thing! You're not fighting Lucius, your opponent is Aoban Whiteheart! He's a swordsman, and one of the best!"

Yeah, yeah, brother is amazing, I get it.

"Vivian," I called her out. "Just worry about your own duel, I'll take care of mine."

Her eyelids twitched at my unreasonable demand.

"Have you forgotten? I promised you that you would win," I reminded her, "and I certainly intend to do the same. So have some faith in your friend."

The young girl stayed silent for a few seconds, her eyes squinted, before a forced smile appeared on her face.

"That's unfair of you. To use the friendship card."

I grinned.

As Vivian let out a resigned sigh, Jalone suddenly butted in front of me.

"I have faith in you!" He exclaimed. "I'll be rooting for you!"

A little surprised at first, I smiled at his enthusiasm.

"Thanks," I patted his head.

The boy happily received my gratitude and Vivian finally let out a small chuckle, only Frost had yet to make a comment about this seemingly hopeless fight.

"Can you win?" He eventually spoke up.

I turned my attention to him. His arms crossed in front of him, he was looking at me stoically.

"I've already had a glimpse of your powers," he continued. "I know you're strong, much stronger than you look. But can you win against your brother?"

I couldn't tell if he was worried about me or simply assessing my power as a teammate.

I tilted my head to the side.

"I can," I nonchalantly responded.

Despite a very slight squint of his eyes, Frost's expression remained unchanged.

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