Chapter 18 - The Return of The Killer Gummy Worms

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*For everyone who remembered the Gummy Worm chapter in book 1...

Chapter 18


“Can someone help me here!” I heard Lizzie yell from the ladder. I looked at her and back at the bag of gummy worms I was eating.

I looked back at her and saw her glaring at me.

“Ella put the bag of gummy worms down and come help me put this sign up!" She said.

I pouted. “But my boyfriend brought me this!” I yelled back, stuffing three worms inside my mouth.

“Ella, if we don’t finish this, there will be no prom!” She yelled. I sighed and put the bag down on the table next to me.

I walked over and asked one of the students to help me bring the other ladder so I could help Lizzie. They helped immediately, of course.


It’s been exactly eight months since we last time saw Shane. We went to school, as we were told. We couldn’t do anything about it, really. Dr. Storm had guards on us every minute of every day.

He even sent Melody to spy on us during school! She became popular very fast. Ugh, what’s with boys and bad girls?

Everyone else from the resistance was sent to different orphanages around the world. They made an announcement a couple months ago about sending military groups around the world to get rid of all the zombies. We didn’t believe any word of it, because of course it was Dr. Storm’s doing. They made it sound as if the world was repairing itself.

But it wasn’t.

Prom was weeks away and we pretty much did everything in school to keep ourselves distracted.

I wonder what Shane was doing?

“You owe me for this, Lizzie!” I said, as I started climbing. I can’t believe I left my gummy worms all alone....

“Just help me hang this!” She said, throwing my the other half of the prom poster.

“So is Ricky coming to prom?’ I asked, as I leaned in closer to the wall.

“I don’t know, he has a lot of work..” she trailed off and started hammering the poster to the wall.

Well that happens when you date an older man....

“I’m sure he’ll come,” I said, sending her a smile. She smiled back but it didn’t reach her eyes.

“Who will come?” I heard a voice say behind me. I felt myself smile.

It was amazing what his voice did to me.

“Ricky,” I said, turning around to face my blue eyed brown haired boyfriend. He was a black and white tux over his shoulder.

Jeremy smiled. “I just saw him buying his tux,” he said, smiling at Lizzie. Lizzie’s jaw dropped.

“What? Really?” She squealed, shaking the ladder alittle bit.

“Careful Lizzie,” I said, “You can’t go to prom with a broken leg!”

She laughed and continued to hammer in the nail. I did the same and was very aware of Jeremy watching me.

“I know you’re looking,” I said, smiling as I placed the nail into the wall.

I heard him laughed. “I’m just enjoying the view,” he responded, as I heard a sound behind me.

Was he taking my gummy worms.

“Jeremy I swear if you’re eating my gummy worms...” I trailed off to hear him laughing.

“I’m not...” he sang.

He’s totally lying!

I started climbing down the ladder when I slipped and let out a small yelp.

I’m so clumsy!

I felt a pair of arms catch as I almost hit the ground.

Talk about Deja Vu.

“What would you do without me?” Jeremy whispered. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

“Jeez, Ella, you’d think now that we weren’t running from zombies you wouldn’t be in danger anymore,” I heard Alyssa said, as Jeremy pulled me to my feet.

“I think we should put a caution sign on here,” Dominic said, smirking as he wrapped his arm around Alyssa.

“Is this your tux? Let me see!” Alyssa squealed, clapping her hands. Dominic rolled his eyes but gave her his tux.

She looked inside the bag and smiled.

“This is gonna be so fun!” she yelled, clapping her hands again. Her and Lizzie started talking about whether to match their earrings with their dress or their shoes. I felt Jeremy take my hand and we walked away from everyone.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. He pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine.

“Hey,” he whispered, as he smiled. I laughed and kissed him again.

He always did this, kissed me at random times.

It was our way of saying I love you, without actually saying I love you.

Yeah we haven’t said those three words yet.

Hey, Don’t rush us!

I pulled away and smirked. “Hi.”

He laughed and pulled me into a hug.

“I can’t wait for prom,” he whispered into my ears, making me laugh.

“You can’t wait for prom? And why is that?” I asked, wrapping my hand around his neck.

“It’s a surprise,” he whispered, as he kissed my neck.

I felt my heart speed up, but it wasn’t because of what Jeremy said.

It was because of the green-eyed boy smirking at me from the window.

The same green-eyed boy I haven’t seen in eight months.




I know.... I couldn't write a single chapter without Shane ;D 





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