Chapter 5

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It was 6:00 am and I was up and showering. My body was full of enegy from the adrenaline tht was pulsing thorugh it. I mean to tell you how excited I was I haven't woken up this early in years. But then again this was the day I have been waiting for so long I knew I was going to be over excited about it without a doubt. When I get excited, I barely sleep!

Actually, I tossed and turned quite a bit last night as the excitement had built up inside me like a bomb ready to go off at any point. After the movie, Jenny and I had a coffee and I dropped her off and I came home. Time was roughly around 11 and I wasn't even tired. I mean I forced myself to sleep but I just couldn't do it. Anyways, life goes on and so does mine as I stepped out of the shower and dried my hair, put my make up and got dressed. I wore very conservatively for the flight over. Just in case. Inside my head I was dancing around and giggling over all of this. Like I had just won the lottery or something. But I didn't care. I had something to be excited about. Something cool and amazing.

My mom and dad offered to drive me to the airport but I told them I'd cab it since the traffic to the airport was atrocious on London highways. My flight was due to leave at 10:30 so I went to the kitchen and had a toast with tea to eat. I wasn't even my usual hungry self. The excitement of everything was just overwhelming me completely. Hell Jenny even offered to take me but I told her no thank you as I can go myself. It wasn't I didnt appreciate the help or anything. I was very much flattered but I mean I could take a cab and not be under stress from someone driving me. Though Jenny and I had agreed that I would text her daily if possible and we would video chat when possible. I wasn't going to leave my best friend here and at least communicate with her.

I finished my food and walked to the front door, I threw a stare back at the inside of my house, I don't know why it wasn't like I was going for an indefinite time but something inside me told me to look back at my house as if it was the last time I would ever be here. I drew a stare upstairs towards my parent's room who were still sleeping. I didn't want to wake them up despite the fact I was about to leave the country. I know if I woke my mom up she would delay me with hugs and kisses and I don't have that time as I am an international flight and have to board at a certain hour. It was kind of cold what I did without saying bye but I stepped out to the taxi waiting as I got in and it drove off.

My one suitcase was all I had as the cab passed the highway was which was surprisingly not busy as I arrived at the airport. No sooner had I got out of the cab that my phone went off.

"Hey mom" I told her making my way in.

"You're at the airport?" she could hear the boarding calls all over the speakers. She sounded a bit disappointed.

"Ya I just didn't want to wake you" I told her. Plus this was a solo adventure for me so I kinda wanted to you know, do it all alone. Again, not being ungrateful or anything.

"Oh Sienna come on, I wanna see you before you board and your father does too."

"It's ok really, I'll call you guys the minute I land."

"I really wanted to drive you...and it wouldn't have hurt you saying bye to your parents."

Come to think of it, I was hasty in what I had just done. In all fairness my mom is right and now I felt bad. Actually, I was so caught up in the excitement now I look back at it I don't quite think it was the right thing for me to just take off without telling my parents bye. They deserve better than that. Much better so I relented...well came to sense. "Well, my flight doesn't leave for a..."I looked at my watch. Mine was 7:15 AM. "Ya I have like just over two hours so you can still make it here."

"Ok fine, we'll meet you at the airport before you board."

"Sure" and we both hung up. I walked over to the boarding station and checked my bag in and my ticket as the girl who was checking me in to make a bit of small talk with me.

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