Chapter 18

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I thought I would read a few more chapters from this book that I've been going through. The pace had picked up now, things were changing on the spot. Characters were going through changes. The last few chapters actually changed my perspective and twists had been added which I liked. Halfway in now. Might as well finish it and see where things go right? It's kept my interest so far.

Anyways, back to the story....the other story. My story.

A few days had passed and Christie had finally texted me that she was being released from the hospital. I thought it was a bit early but she said that she was ok and that staying there wasn't actually free...not one hundred percent and her parents could take care of her so why waste the money anyways right? She didn't actually tell me her release date, she just said very soon.

Well, I was set up to meet Jake later today for a lunch and I had gotten ready and all, still had a lot of time left...say three hours. No later had I stepped out of the shower and there was knocking on my door. I wasn't expecting any guests but I opened the door. To my utter surprise, it was Christie. I wasn't shocked by her presence....well I was to a degree... I just thought she would tell me when and not just show up like this. Nothing against it...just surprised. That's all. But regardless, she still looked like shit even though her wounds had healed I could still see it. I mean those kind of scars run skin deep but she seemed ok and I hugged her hard, the first and only thing I could do the minute I saw her. She looked ok, but her cut and bruises were still there, not one hundred percent healed. Either way, I was happy she was out of the hospital.

"What the hell girl" I was disappointed as I let her in. She could tell that I was very concerned for her well being. "You disappeared for a week or so for no reason.

"I know I know" she said. "I am not happy about it."

"I called you and you never answered."

"Ya I know Sienna...I am just going through a lot right now."

"I tried to get the nurse to tell me but she couldn't'"

"Sorry it wasn't intentional" her speech had gotten better I'll say. She wasn't struggling like she was in the hospital. "I....i just went through a lot."

"You know I am here for you all the time?"

"Of course I do" even she knew.

"So then why the mystery...I mean you litteraly disappeared and nothing?"

"It's kind of hard to explain."

I crossed my arms. I wasn't buying that and I didn't appreciate being treated like a fool. "Try me."

She didn't say anything."

"Christie, try me."

She still didn't say anything.

"Look, I am your friend. You have to trust me."

"I do trust you Sienna. That's why I came here."

"Then what the hell happened?" I asked her. I wasn't giving up on her, not anytime soon. She was my friend and I was really here to support her. She looked down a bit, somewhat embarrassed. I don't think she was ready yet to tell me. "Hey" I said calmly. "You know me...I mean you can trust me and tell me."

"I' just hard for me."

"Want something?"I offered her. Maybe a hot drink can calm her more and get her to talk.

"How about a coffee?"

"A coffee it is" I told her and we went into the kitchen as I brewed her a coffee and tea for me and we sat down. A hot drink always calmed me, hope it works for her too.

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