Chapter 31

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I had time again so I decided to read the book I had started. It was coming to an end soon and it had kept me more engrossed than I had ever thought it would be a shame not to finish it.

So back to the story at hand. It was five days now since we had seen Collin who was slowly getting better. Word had gotten out about the roid usage and Jake of course was heavily looked at but he also was the first to do a piss test out of everybody. The coach had full confidence in him and knew he would never do things like steroids. In fact he told Jake he would definitely endorse any scholarships he got. But it was standard routine for the test and it showed Jake had nothing to hide.

Taylor of course, once he was out of the hospital would be kicked off the team. Jake wasn't even going to argue that and he understood it. I felt back for Taylor but you know what? He should have known better. He was going to be expelled from the university and none of his credits would be valid. He would have to start over, pending if any university ever takes him.

I was just happy Jake didn't come out a victim in this. Speaking of victim, I am sure you you're all wondering what happened to nasty ass supplier right? was his day too. I know, I could barely keep my excitement. It was just a joyous feeling.

Anyways, I was in the apartment when I heard the door open. Jake had come home with his prize and there was a commotion as a I went out into the living room and saw Jake kick someone in the back as he went flying into ground, falling on his face. When he looked up at me a large grin ran across my face and I clapped a bit. I was super excited as to who had come into our place today. Oh boy...this was a great day for all of us as Jake locked the door as the man in front of me, looked around confused.

"What the hell is going on?" he asked. I am sure he was super confused by now.

"Had to taze the fucker twice to get him in the car" Jake told me as he walked over. It was the supplier who now I could finally see. He was a big dude, on roids also as he looked up at Jake.

"Dude what the hell man this is kidnapping."

"No this is revenge" I told him.

"Who the hell are you?"

I didn't answer and he tried to get up but Jake whacked him across the back and he fell on the floor. He used the stick, the same one he had on Collin. This thing I had to say was very sturdy.

"What's going on here?" the supplier begged. "Come on man I brought your stuff" and jake took what he had tossed in the garbage.

"I don't want it."

"That's for Taylor man you crazy. That's expensive shit."

"No" Jake kicked him in the head so hard he fell back over onto his back and groaned. "That's for Taylor....for sending him to the hospital."

"You little shit, I am gonna have the cops on your ass for this."

"Try" Jake dared him and the supplier went for his cell phone.

"The fuck" he couldn't find it as he searched all over his clothes for it. "Where is it?"

Jake pulled out his phone. "You looking for this?" he tossed it to him and the supplier looked at it. The screen had been cracked hard and he tried to use it. "Don't bother" Jake disappointed him and he pulled out the sim card and tossed it into the pan of boiling water. The supplier tried to make a dash for it to save it but Jake wacked him with the stick on the knee and he fell to the floor. "Your efforts are fruitless. No one is going to come here or even know you're here."

The supplier groaned a bit and as he put his hand on his head. He had been busted wide open and bleeding. He was taller than Jake and more built, but he was no match for him. Jake was an apex predator, he knew what he was doing every time he brought someone into the house. It was his way, he studied his subjects before doing anything. Jake was never careless which is why I always trusted him.

"What the fuck you want man?" the supplier shouted.

"How many other students you selling this crap to?" Jake asked the supplier.

"No one else" he told him. "Look man just let me go ok."

"And then what?" Jake asked. "You put my team mate in the hospital with this...steroid shit you be been selling."

"I didn't force him to take it."

"But you're older, you knew better."

"I am sorry about your friend' he tried a half ass apology and Jake slammed him with the stick across the neck and he fell to the floor.

"Don't insult my intelligence" Jake warned him.

"Look" the supplier pleaded. "I haven't sold it to anyone else at the university. I am telling the truth. I am sorry about your friend, I really am man."

The knife was pulled out. Looks like this one was gonna end earlier than expected as the supplier saw the blade glint in his eyes. Fear struck him quick, he knew he was in for real trouble now.

"Oh shit man. Let me make up to you. Please."

"You already have."

"Oh come on man" he tried to get up but a leg sweep took him down, knocking the air out of him. He hit the floor hard grasping his back, he wasn't going anywhere. "I swear, please" he made a last minute plea with his back to us. "I won't sell to anyone else."

The supplier on the floor, hands out, begging for mercy.

"For Taylor" and the knife slammed the body, blood flew up, red in my eyes. I was giddy, what was unfolding in front of me was beyond words. My heart fluttered quick, beats in and out, thrusts in an out. I stared, glued, it made me come alive.

I was turned on, I wanted to finger myself and end the orgasm, but then the thrusting slowed down and so did my heart beat. Finally, the knife stopped in mid air and I stared at it, I was the one gripping it this time. My day had come, I had killed my first person....and I wanted more!

The end!

Yes...the end as the final page finally finsihed.....

Wow, what a strange character that Sienna was as I closed the book and turned it over, the cover facing me as I looked at it a bit longer. 'Strangely Attracted' was the name of the book and I couldn't agree more to a proper title. I could never relate to Sienna but I was definitely myself strangely attracted to this book too and glad I read it all the way.

How these two had fallen in love...her and Jake...

Oh I am sorry, did you think this was my story you were reading all along? Oh no my life isn't anywhere near as this interesting. I was just paraphrasing the book to you that's all. My name is Ashely actually. A 32 year old administrator from Toledo Ohio. But thank you for being with me during this whole time and hope you enjoyed it. Well...that's it for now then.

Cheers...until the sequel!

The end.... Or is it? 

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