Chapter 20

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At some point fatigue had set in and we both decided to go to sleep. It was still the same night first night at Jake's and we both a good amount to drink. I wasn't buzzing or anything and neither was he, but it was still enough to know that your body was saying it's enough beyond this point and it contributed to us getting tired. Alos, to be honest, that Indian food while good knocked me out cold and Jake too. Heavy carbs always do that you to. Anyways my eyes slept and fluttered. I was in dreamland for sure and Jake's bed was comfortable and good to be in. I can't remember my dream but I just know I was in one for the time being.

But then, being a light sleeper, my ears twitch to certain sounds and right now they were twitching. In the distance, I can hear it. Faint two people talking or something. I open my eyes and then close them, disregarding it but it comes back again. Nope, this wasn't a dream or anything, it was really there. It's faint, but it's there for sure. I don't know what, but I can. Slowly I open my eyes and see I am alone in the bed. Jake is not there, maybe he's using the bathroom or something. But then I hear murmuring continuously. It's actually coming from outside the bedroom. At first I thought it was my imagination, but nope, it sounded like human voices.

I look over at the digital clock reading 1:34 AM. Had Jake brought in a guest this late in the evening? No way, Jake would never be that ignorant. But now I was curious as usual and had to investigate this noise. First thing first, I got up and yanked and went to the bathroom to urinate. All that fluid in me had to go somewhere right. But as I sat there on the toilet, I could still hear the talking and then suddenly, a loud thud. Oh my god! Had something happened? And the hell did I have so much urine in my bladder? Like seriously a lake was flowing out of my vagina Finish up damn it. When I finally did I pulled my pants up I heard another loud thud. What was the hell going on? I walked out into the living room.

There were Jake and some guy on the floor. At first I thought maybe he was an intruder that Jake caught in the act or something. But as I walked around the couch to get a better look since they were close to the kitchen I saw something else...someone else to be more precise. The look on Jake's face said he knew the person. But then when I was close enough, I saw who it was. It was no random person in Jake's place


I knew that face,it was the mugger from a few nights back. Gerald! The one that tried to hurt me and Jake.. Jake had tracked him down and now brought him here. Jake had tracked him down like a predator waiting patiently for its food. Why was here at Jake's place? He was on the floor, crawling backward on his hands in fear. He kept looking around frantically for some reason.

"Jake?" I called to him. But Jake didn't reply.

The burglar was breathing heavy.

"Jake, what's going on?" I asked. He looked at me and then at the burglar.

"Go back to bed" he told me. Well, more like an order.

"The hell I am" I replied. "What's going on?"

"Nothing, Gerald and I are just talking right?" he looked over at him.

Geral didn't reply. By the look on his face this didn't look like a normal conversation. "One last time" Jake told me. "Go bed" but I just stood and stared. "Suit yourself" he said.

For a second, Gerald looked at me, his face very frightened. "Help me please" he screamed. I didn't react I just watched. In fact, I don't think Jake was even aware of my presence anymore despite me being a few feet away. Instead, he slowly and methodically followed Gerald while he had his right hand behind his back, holding onto something. I took a few steps closer and I could see Gerald had cut on let knee as it dripped blood all over the floor. I just stood there and watched. Limp, keeping my mouth shut. Should I say something and intrude? I didn't think not because Jake was basically hunting Gerald like a prey. Gerald had finally moved far enough back and hit a wall and stopped. There was nowhere else for him to go.

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