Chapter 14

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Jake and I had no class tougher today, and he was going to be busy with his team coming up with new strategies. In fact, pretty much the whole day he was going to be in meeting with his coach and team, and he told me that he wouldn't be able to see me until then. I was ok with it and understood why. Plus they were also going to have a big game coming up that move them up to the state playoffs. Jake had led his team to becoming state champions last year and he wanted to do it again. I told him is that the super bowl and he laughed and said not that's pro football. That would be his dream to go in one day. I am sure he would.

I had saw him practice again and he did great. He didn't get hit like last time which was still very scary and fresh in my memory. But anyways, I don't' want to dwell on the past.

But it was two days after our dinner with Christie and Jake wanted to go out again for another dinner again. I didn't mind, I hadn't done much grocery shopping so my fridge was empty somewhat and it was a Friday night anyways. So I'd rather spend it with him plus he also wanted to make up for not being able to see me all day. I didn't hold it against him, I mean he has other priorities. Education is obviously one of them. But I was happy that he placed some priority on me. In fact, we have pretty much seen each other almost every day in some way shape or form. Jake even always drove me back to my place every day after classes. Sometimes I finished early and waited for him and vice versa. Regardless, we both placed emphasis on this relationship.

But before I met him I had done a quick face time with my parents, I had of course not yet told them about Jake, fearing they might think he'll interfere with my studies. I will let them know soon, they needed to know regardless. I had my priories too. Like stated, my education was important and Jake was too and he wasn't going to replace my studies. Regardless, my parents weren't controlling and I wasn't ashamed of Jake and I still took my studies serious too. But I wanted to time it correctly. I had told him this and he was fine, but he did urge me to tell them soon and I said I would on the next face time session.

But he surprised me when he said "I thought we'd go for dinner this time just the two of us" Jake had offered. He wasn't offended that Christie had come to our last one, but I think I can understand why. He wanted to be with me. We were both, despite our differences in our demeanor and personalities, really strangely attracted to each other. Like an insatiable attraction. We would text daily, wish each other good night. I even offered Jake to send pics of my breasts....yes my breasts...but he said no. He was modest like that which is why I offered him. I mean this was a huge thing for me to even consider sending him such pics but he flat out loud said no He wasn't anything like that. In fact, he didn't like sexting, he said it was cheap. He would rather wait and earn things. Oh god I love him for that. I mean can he get any better...hmm....let me think....nope, he seems perfect. Very perfect!

But tonight was our night, just the two of us. We went to an upscale Italian restaurant in the north end of Chicago. It was called Lorenzo's and it was like a thirty-five-minute drive. He asked me to drive but I didn't know this area well yet, I mean a month in and I didn't know much of Chicago. Only what was close to the university and where I lived. We really needed to go sightseeing, and I wanted to next weekend. Jake even offered to go cabin trip, which I would definitely do.

We got seated in the restaurant, I had a nice white dress on, it was mandatory for a place like this. That's how upscale it was. Jake had a white dress shirt, black tie, and black dress pants. Our menu was handed and Jake ordered white wine, red made him too tired, and we both had a half glass poured.

This place was packed, Jake had to reserve a week ahead just to get us in and it was hard. I couldn't believe it though. Despite the prices people came here in droves. But they weren't like us, university students. Most of the people here are rich from what Jake told me. Businessmen and people born with a silver spoon in their mouths. He wasn't into this social crowd very often but sometimes, he tolerated it. I had never myself been in an upscale restaurant like this so I took it as a great gesture that Jake even considered to bring me here.

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