Chapter 24

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It was very early morning so I needed to kill some time, I decided to read more of my book. It was now three quarters along the way and the story was really picking up. I had brewed a hot tea and sat down to read. You know when you read a book and all of a sudden you're sucked in more than you think? Well that's what happened to me here.

Anyways, onwards with the real story.

I had woken up early in the morning, as early as possible as the clock read something like 5:33 am and took a shower. I wanted to see Jake as soon as possible too. I wasn't allowed to stay over at the hospital last night but visiting hours began at 6:00 AM and I wanted to be there as early possible. I was...admittedly...very nervous. When I had left the hospital Jake was still in pretty bad shape. He still had a fever and they had to get the infection under control.

When I finished I got out of the shower and just stood there for a second, thinking of him. He had put his life at risk for me and him more than anyone else in my life had. Three times already he had, what with the mugger and the wolf and driving us back. Forget the fact that he almost had passed out and I had to do quite a bit of the driving. I didn't mind at all. I did what I had to. It wasn't fun, I was nervous all the way but that's how things are. You either do something or you don't. And plus I didn't want to lose Jake and if I hadn't done anything, I would not be able to sit here and talk about him.

A small tear formed in my eyes and then it came, the emotions. Why? I don't know.... I just did. I just stood there in the bathroom, naked, and cried a bit for him. I knew he was ok, but that image, that image of him on the hospital bed passed out and the doctors working on him just showed me how much he cared to me. That's why I am crying. Because Jake mattered to me and was something important in my life.

I will be honest, this bathroom. Even though I cry for him genuinely, I still sometimes wondered what he really thought about me. I mean it wasn't that I didn't trust him or that he had any ill will toward me. He had made it quite clear I mean something to him. But I just wondered, with all the girls out there, what about me really made him want me? I guess it's something I had....maybe something that can't be said in words. I but I just cried and cried for a bit and then finally I stopped. Did I doubt his intentions about me? No of course not. I knew Jake trusted me and cared for me. But I just....for some reason......Sigh...I don't know. I trust this man with my life and he trusts me with his and here I was having superficial doubts. That's what it was. I was looking at this from a superficial level. But Jake wasn't superficial. He had proved that.

Anyways, I dried myself up and brushed my teeth and stared in the mirror naked. My boobs swung around as the brush went back and forth. I had to admit, even in a time like this, I still had great boobs. They were big...and Jake comfortably held them in his hands whenever we had sex. Ok, I know... not the time to be thinking about this stuff and I washed my mouth out.

I changed quickly and put on some clothes, nothing fancy and got in the car. The hospital was about a fifteen-minute drive from Jake's place where I now resided permanently as I had not gone back to the coffee shop apartment in a long time. In fact, from what I had heard since I still buy tea from there but not as often Christie had not come back there either in quite some time. It had been two weeks...ya something like that....anyways, Christie pretty much had not come back there yet. Amanda, another worker there, had told me that she was basically on a leave of absence from there. For how long, I don't know. When I was at the cabin she did email me but I didn't reply back to here. So she was still around. Just staying at home.

Collin had done a great job with her. Her social life was down the drain now. She barely got out from what Amanda told me and that her studies were done for the semester. She had left the university and would return next semester. For me, I had classes tomorrow and I was still sticking with them. But I can understand from Christie perspective why she did what she had. I found out through bumping into her mom at the shop a week ago that Collin was still in rehab but he was not coming near her daughter. He had been expelled from the university indefinitely and any chance of him going to another one was basically over. The news had spread across quickly from within. Though students didn't know about anything those around Christie now knew what he was like. Apparently his father was trying to get him into private studies. They had the money, but it would have to be university approved and credited for.

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