Chapter 3: Something Terrible

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A rough Autum wind blowed through the streets of Volterra. A dark figure ran, hidden between the dark shadows of the tall buildings. It stopped to look around before opening the door of the old clock tower and closing it silently behind. The young man took his hood off, he had dirty blonde hair and penetrating red blood eyes. His steps echoed through the long hallway as he walked rapidly towards the large stone doors, ready to tell his master about his discovery. Without effort he pushed the stone doors and revealed a large circular hall with three thrones in the middle.

         “Master I have made an alarming discovery”
The man in the middle stood up and stretched his hand so the other could touch  it.

         “May I Demetri.” Demetri took his hand and the man opened his eyes surprised.
        “It seems that one of her descendants still lives Aro,” Demetri said, “I still don´t  know how she could have hid from us for so long”. Aro looked at Demetri carefully and turned to the others who sat on their thrones waiting.

         “Marcus, Caius,  a descendant of the Lionheart´s still lives. Demetri discovered her scent while passing through the city of Rome. It seems that she beared not one child, but two instead”
        “We have to kill the child” Caius said. “How do we know it is not inmortal child like his brother or if it disposes a threat to us.”
        “I doubt that” Marcus interrumpted standing up. “If it was an inmortal child, we would have allready noticed. Somehow this child is different... a child that blended into society well, moving unknown, a hybrid... like Renesmee”

        “Demetri, hunt it down and bring the child to me, kill anyone that knows about her, we must find the child” Aro said.

         “Yes Master” Demetri bowed his head and turned around dissapearing, leaving only the doors of the throne room closing slowly behind him.

It was monday morning and May woke up in a start, she opened her door sligthly and saw Sister Julia was snoring loudly on the sofa. May tiptoed and began making breakfast, she didn´t want to wake Julia up or else she might force her to sit down while she cooked breakfast. Unfortuneatly when she put the tea, the teapot begun to whistle and Sister Julia woke up in a start.  Julia opened her eyes slowly and yawned, suddenly she became aware that May was in the kitchen. 

        “How many times have I told you to not make breakfast May” she said smiling. “You were asleep” May complained. Julia smiled kindly and joined her in the kitchen where she finished flipping a burnt egg.

“That´s mine!”May chimed and got a plate out so fast that sister Julia cried out with fright..

        “May do not to use your gifts in the kitchen please” May shrugged her arms and put the burnt egg on her plate.

They sat down and ate breakfast quietly.

        “Sister yesterday I went to the national park”. Julia gasped.

        “When?! I never saw you”.
        “Oh, yeah you were asleep by the way” May said, “Well I went there yesterday and I found out that I had another talent”
        “You did?” Sister Julia said looking at her, “and what was it?”

        “I can feel what others feel. Yesterday I touched a bird and I felt how I flew through the trees and then I touched a rabbit and I even felt how the rabbit felt when a farmer hit it with a broom when he found it eating his lettuces”

Julia laughed.

         “You can do many things May, but remember you must never use them for bad, because sooner or later it will come back to you.” May nodded.

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