Chapter 6: Huntress

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May didn´t sleep that night, she ran, she knew she she couldn´t stay in the same place for a long time, or the demons would find her again. May ran through the woods of Croatia. Where could she go? Did she belong somewhere? May felt sad she knew that home didn´t exist anymore, but at least now she knew why she had been born. May found a small cottage, she ran fast and knocked on the door, she was hungry, she needed something. Unfortuneatly no one answered the door. She sighed she couldn´t wait any longer, she forced the door open and it banged against the wall.

The cottage was small and untidy, the black coals were all that was left in the fireplace. She quickly found the kitchen, she opened the fridge and took some pieces of bread out. It was only bread, he might not even notice. She found some fruit and took an apple. Her stomach grumbled in approval. She was about to leave when she stopped to look back at a small shed that was next to the house.

How could she survive from the demons and kill them? She needed tools. The last vampire she had fought had been stronger than her, faster, but somehow she had managed to kill it. She had to use at least some protection, she needed to learn how to defend herself. She walked towards the shed, she needed something sharp, firm, strong. It didn´t matter if it was heavy. She spotted an axe, it was buried deep in the foot of a freshly cut tree. If it could cut a tree it had to be sharp enough to cut into stoney skin.

She put her hand on the handle feeling the wood between her hand, somehow it felt familiar. She took it out and held it firmly, it might have been too heavy for humans, but for her it was perfect. Now she needed something that could hold it hiding from under her dark long coat. She spotted a tool belt that was on one of the many wooden shelves. She took it and adjusted it around her waist, she put her axe on one of them, it hid well. She scanned the rest of the shelves finding anything that could help her hunt down the demons. Her eyes caught the eye of some knives, they had strange shapes, probably for hunting down animal she thought.

She took a knife that had a curved blade, like a boomerang and a game of smaller knives. She put them around her waist and walked around. She could hear the clank of the knives hitting each other. Too much noise. She took one of the blades and put two of them at the back of each of her boots. Then she took the other that left and put them inside of one of pockets inside of her coat.

She walked around, it was perfect, she jumped towards the trees, she felt confortable. Now she could go.

After a while May slowly sped down, she had to eat something, she leaned against a tree and took the axe from her waist and nailed it in the ground. Rapidly she took out her apple and bit it. She felt sugar liquid running on her tongue, she devoured it in a second hungrily. May took the bread out and breaked it in two parts, she put one in her pockets and slowly ate the other. She still felt hungry, why hadn´t she taken more food from the house, she had taken many tools, anymore stolen fruit wouldn´t have made any difference. She shrugged her shoulders, “What´s done, is done”. May then remembered what Julia had told her

When you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth. When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness.

“When you kill a woman, you steal a life. You steal his husband´s right to a wife, rob his children of a mother, you steal the pureness of a soul.” she whispered. If she stole, she had  a reason, saving the life of a person was more important.

She stood silently hearing the wind whistle and the birds nestling on the warm sunlight that fell through the trees. The forrest, oceans and desert´s were a gift that God had given the human. Sister Julia used to say that if every person in the planet had a good heart, then the world would be again paradise.

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