Chapter 8: Voices

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Why was I born? What is my destiny?”

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be”

May sat in the wooden bench waiting for Sister Julia to come out, she stared at the church that was at the  other side of the street. Half an hour! Something was keeping her. She crossed the street carefully and walked up the steps of the church. Surprisingly the doors of the church were closed. A scream echoed from inside the church. Sister! May forced the doors easily and the came crashing down on the floor. Her eyes caught the sight of a black hooded shape, he had red eyes. He had his mouth on Julia's shoulder, who was getting paler by the second.

She had to do something, but what? The demon turned to look at her, in a second he was in front of her. Fear pulsed though May´s whole body and she stood petrified. The demon hit her hard and she fell hard on the floor, she tried to stand up, but it was useless. The demon was on top of her, she was strong, but he was stronger. May screamed and it echoed back to her, no one heard her.

He bent down and put his lips to her neck. She felt his sharp teeth go through her skin roughly. The world swirled around her heavily. She was getting weaker and weaker and he was getting stronger. May couldn't move, she couldn't do nothing and she began falling and falling into darkness.

May woke up from her nightmare, she sighed relieved., something was holding her tightly, cold. She blinked and began to focus on the blurry shape that was beginning to form in front of her. It wasn't much of an it, it was more of a who. He had a hood, but she could see his pale silvery skin shining beneath it with the moonlight, his lips formed a tight line of concentration.  The wind hissed around her and it wasn't then that she noticed that he was running, fast, very fast. He wasn't human.  May instinctively  pushed him harshly but his grip tightened around her.

        “Leave me!” she said struggling, but he seemed to ignore her. Then to May´s surprise he stopped and put her down. She felt normal again, her  feet on the ground, stable again.

        “She can walk now, Demetri” a voice said behind May. She turned and saw two other persons. Memories flooded back to her and she remembered, they weren't people, they were vampires and they were here to kill her. She ran but two cold arms held her instantly.

          “Walk” the woman said. May hissed at her and tried to free herself, but it was impossible and even if she could reach the knife at the back of her shoe it would hardly do any damage to them. The man pushed May and she stumbled slightly, she had to wait if she wanted to escape, right now wasn't the perfect time to seek an opportunity to escape, she had to study her surroundings so that later she could escape. Houses and stone buildings surrounded her, cold damp drops of water fell slowly from them, proof of the cold night

         “Where am I!” She spat. The man that walked in front of her twitched his head sideways “Volterra” he said in a sharp deep voice. May tried to imagine where exactly Volterra was, but she just couldn't remember.

May walked  along a cold street, it was still dark, so no one walked on the streets. She screamed in frustration knowing her destiny was already sealed.

         “Don't try to escape” a man hissed into her ear, hatred filled May´s eyes, she tried to get his grip of her, but then she noticed that he wasn't even holding her, black mesmerizing smoke swirled around her hands, they had become numb and she couldn't even move them. A power that May had never encountered before. Finally they came up to wooden doors. The vampire in front of her opened them and once we were inside the woman closed the doors. May turned to look at the closing doors, there had to be another way to escape, right? She smelt the air. Vampires. How many? maybe 30, 40, May felt her feet numb with fear, a prison, where was this place? Sweat began to form on her palms. They walked through the cold corridor, their steps leaving a trail of ghostly sounds, finally they turned and they came to a corridor without exit, tall wooden doors were at the end. That's when it began.

A scream broke the air, a thin voice as cold as a knife, a child! Then another, another followed by another, people. She felt herself shake with the piercing screams.

        “What are you doing to them” she said. May smelled the air, but not one human scent came to her.  Hadn't she made myself clear?

         “To whom?” the man in front of her said without turning.

        ”You know to THE PEOPLE!” she spat the last words and the man turned to look at her roughly, his dark pebble black eyes met May´s, handsome. She  quickly shook the thought off her head.

         “There are no people, you must...” but she wasn't listening to him anymore, screams drowned his voice and an awful stench filled the air. She felt the presence of many people, whispering, screaming, pain, terror .

        “Stop it!” May clutched her head confused her she didn't know who was screaming know her or the voices, too many, “STOP IT!MAKE IT STOP!” There was too much noise, and the screams echoed in her head like untuned bells. May looked around her and saw the corridor disappear in the blurriness of her vision, images began to appear  in her head, between flashes of white light. One second she saw the dark open window of the next she was standing in the middle of a room, people ran screaming around her. She blinked again and saw a soft pale face looking at her, nothing felt real anymore, she felt a soft hand touching her cheek, but she also sensed the pain the trapped people had felt when they had died.

She blinked and her  surroundings changed,

May stood in a multitude of people now, three thrones were in front. She looked around and watched as vampires pounced on the people, she turned to run, but she ran at human speed, this was not her, this was not her body. A vampire bit her under her neck and she began to burn.

A calm voice whispered her name and slowly she felt her senses come back to normal. The darkness lifted and she managed to stare at the pained face of a vampire, his dirty blonde hair stood up slightly messy. She heard her heartbeat slowdown and her breath even as his soft velvet voice calmed the raging pain of the people.


Demetri looked at the girl and grabbed her shoulders trying to wake her up from her trance. Her green eyes looked confused, like if she wasn't listening or looking at him. Slowly he felt her relax and her breathing evened out. He looked sideways at Jane who stood with a small but just noticeable  smile in her face. Her. It was her, it had always been her. Hot anger began to control him and somehow his hands found their way to Jane´s neck pressing her body to the wall hard, big pieces of concrete fell, but not for long. Almost instantly pain began to flow through his body and he fell on his knees. Slowly it faded and he was able to stand again, restrained by Alec´s power.

        “That´s enough” Jane said, “Aro shall not be kept waiting”

Demetri looked at her

        “No, she can't go like this”.

Alec eyed him hard from behind.

        “We do not offer mercy to prisoners” he snarled. Demetri looked at the girl, her eyes were wide with panic. He sighed, he could see he would lose.

      “Fine” he said quietly. Slowly he felt his feet and hands come back to their senses. Alec turned and walked towards the stone walls at the end of the corridor, Demetri followed closely from behind watching the girl´s strange heartbeat tremble with fear.

Huntress (Demetri Volturi lovestory)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant