Chapter 10: A Guardian

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Something soft brushed against May’s cheek and she tilted her head to the side uncomfortably, she could hear the soft rattle of the wind moving leaves and the smell of apple citrus,  a sense of safety and warmth filled her. Death must be so beautiful . To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one's head, listening to silence. To have no yesterday, and no tomorrow. To forget time, to forgive life and to finally be at peace.

A soft murmur ran through the air and she heard the sound of door closing quietly. She opened her eyes and was blinded by white light, instinctively she lifted her hand to cover the sun ray´s and looked in another direction. This was not death, she felt anger and disappointment, but at the same time relief that she would live one more day. Yesterday now felt like a far, dark and blurry memory. She realized she was in a small white bed and slowly lifted herself up into a crouching position pulling her arms around her knees, the room was wide and luxurious. Cold air whistled through the open window.

 She turned to look out of the window, she was not alone. A man stood next to the window and May recognised him. He looked dangerous like, no, he was dangerous. His gaze looked lost out of the window, like if searching for something. His dark blonde hair tousled gently with the wind, his face was sharp, with defined cheekbones and a soft but pointy chin. May felt a wild air of mixed and undecided emotions fall  around him, like an unsolved jigsaw puzzle.

His red eyes flickered to hers.They stared at each other for a few more moments and he slowly walked to her. May withdrew back standing fast, her feet came in contact with the cold tiled floor. She groaned silently as a sharp pain awoke near her ribs, where the other demon had hurt her. They had taken her coat and boots away, leaving her only with her pants and shirt. Goosebumps formed on her bare arms and a sense of bareness and vulnerability consumed her

        “Don't be scared” he whispered. May  watched as he passed under the sunlight of the open window. His pale skin shone, emitting bright crystals, like small pieces of shattered glass, an angel.

        “I won't hurt you” he said softly. In a second he was in front of her and she felt one of his fingers gently skim her cheekbone. Small bolts of electricity ran between the  small contact of his icy hand against her cheek and tension began to grow between them.

May looked into his changing soft velvet eyes as they darkened like fallen ink over red paper and took in his intoxicating scent, she could hear her own heartbeat quicken, threatening to burst from her chest. He was so beautiful and for a minute she had forgotten that he was a monster, he wasn't human, he couldn´t be real, he would never be real, not for her.

May hesitated and put her hands around his neck pushing him roughly against the wall behind them. He offered no resistance  and his body banged on the concrete  making cracks appear.  A name aroused from his lips, a name, her name. She had barely known him yet it  felt right. His eyes bored right through her and her hands began to tremble slightly against the pale smooth skin of his neck. Kill him! Kill him!This was her chance, afterall he was a vampire, but yet here she was, in doubt, he had saved her and she couldn't kill him for that.

May felt his emotions settle in a sea of passion, wanting and hunger… for her? How could he!  May increased the pressure on his neck and a small crack appeared. A sick wave of regret hit her.

May released him, like if she had been burnt and she stumbled backwards,  hurt.

She couldn´t.

May screamed in frustration, this had never happened before. Her hands felt hot and they came to rest to the first object she could find, a vase of red flowers. The vase shattered into million of pieces and the flowers fell slowly to the ground, spilling water on the ground. The vampire grasped her wrists in an attempt to calm her down.

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