The Light

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"Annie wake up." I hear a little voice and feel a small hand poking me. I pretend to be sleeping until I feel those little hands start to shake me. I grab them and pull the small person onto my bed, tickling her, making her erupt in a fit of giggles. "You faker. You were awake." She says still laughing.

"I wasn't but you do a good job as an alarm clock." I say cuddling her to me.

"Annie where did you get that mark?" She says pointing to my face.

"I ran into the door last night in the dark." I lie to my little sister.

"You're clumsy Annie." She says cuddling into me.

"I know baby girl." After a few minutes I get her up and get her dressed for school before making her breakfast. While she is eating her cereal, I take a shower and put on just enough make up to cover the bruise under my left eye before getting dressed for school. I head back down and clean up Ashley's bowl and then we get into my Camaro and I take her to school before going to my own.

"How did you sleep?" Riley asks when I get out of my car. She is always waiting for me when I get to school. It's like our thing to go into school together.

"Alright." I say putting my arm around her shoulder. Its hot out today and I feel the sweat starting to form on my face. We walk in and are greeted by almost everyone. I am a very popular person being the captain of the state championship winning softball team the past 2 years. We stop at our lockers and grab our books and I wipe my face with a shirt I have in there.

"Damn hoe what happened to your eye?" Jessica, my teammate, asks after walking up to us. Lee's head snaps up and her eyes widen when she sees that I have rubbed off most of the makeup covering my bruised cheek.

"Ran into a door last night." I say in an even practiced tone. You learn to believably lie about these things when you have to explain where bruises come from all the time. I catch the sadness that flashes in Lee's eyes before she covers it with her usual chipper look.

"You damn klutz." Jessi says making me laugh. I throw my arm back over Lee's shoulder and we head to class. Classes are boring and I am really smart so most of the stuff we are going over I already understand. I decide to nap through them. The bell sounding wakes me up and its time for lunch. I walk into the cafeteria and sit down in my usual seat. We have a routine. I sit and Lee gets food for both of us. She knows what I need to eat to stay in top fighting shape. Even though she hates that I fight, she does everything she can to make sure I am prepared and safe doing it. She once told me that I'm just going to do it anyway so she might as well make sure I'm good at it. That made me laugh because it just proves how much she really does love me.

She comes over with a tray of food and I see a grilled chicken salad, a protien bar, and 2 bottles of water that I know are for me. She has herself a slice of pizza and a water. She sits beside me, Jessi and a few of my teammates sit around us, while Quinten and Marcus, the only 2 guys we hang out with, sit down across from us.

"Why do you eat shit like that?" Marcus asks as I am digging into my salad.

"The wife wants me to stay fit." I say laughing and pointing my fork at Lee. She rolls her eyes and bites into her pizza.

"Why don't you two just date already? Everyone knows you are madly in love with each other." Jess pipes up. I catch the sad look Lee gives me before planting on a fake smile.

"Come on guys lay off. You know Lee is way to hot and sexy for me. I wouldn't know what to do with her if I had her." I say trying to lighten the mood. Lee blushes and the others laugh.

"Whatever. Y'all will be together one day watch and see and I will be captain of the S.S. Aniley." Quint says making Lee blush harder. I know it hurts her having to keep me at arms length when she wants the things our friends talk about but I also know that she would rather have me a little than not at all. I'm not the only one who is no doubt in love in this relationship.

"Cute name. How long did it take you to come up with that?" I ask making Lee finally laugh.

"Fuck you Pierce." Quint says flipping me off.

"Sorry Quinty, you're cute but you are not my type. You have that thing that swings between your legs when you walk." I say making the girls bust out in laughter. Lee leans her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes. Another routine. She gets really sleepy when she eats and for the last 30 minutes of lunch she always sleeps on me. Once she is out I look up to see all of our friends smiling like idiots at us.

"Stop yall." I whisper yell at them.

"Aniley bitches" Quint says making them all snicker and me roll my eyes, before getting up and going to find a girl to bother. 5 minutes before the bell rings I wake Lee up by kissing her cheek. We dump our trash and head to our lockers to grab our stuff for the rest of the day.

After school I have softball practice and Lee has soccer. At our schools athletic association, girls soccer is in the spring instead of in the fall like the guys. After my practice Jess and I head over to the soccer field to watch Lee finish her practice. She is also the captain of her team. All that running and kicking and shit is how she stays in such good shape, even though she eats a lot of junk food. We sit on the bleachers and one of Lee's teammates tap her on the shoulder and points to us, making Lee look up and smile.

When her practice is over, Jess and I wait by the locker room for her to come out. As soon as she steps out my phone rings. "Can't be touched" starts playing and Lee looks at me nervously because she knows who that is. That is my ringtone for my contact that sets up fights for me.

"Sorry guys be right back wait her." I say before turning and walking away from them.


"Lexa wants a rematch. 10pm. 2 grand."

"Sure" I say before hanging up and walking back over to Jess and Lee. Lee is watching me closely. I nod at her and she lets out a sigh before shaking her head. I wrap my arm around her and whisper in her ear.

"Lexa. Easy win babe don't sweat it." She doesn't say anything back and I know she is not happy. Like I said, she hates when I fight.

After Jess leaves in her own car, Lee and I leave in mine and head to pick up my sister from her friends. She always goes over after school and stays with her friend until I get done with practice. On nights when I fight, she stays with my aunt, Mikey's mom. We pick her and and head to my aunts house.

"Ri why do you look sad?" Ashley asks Riley.

"I'm ok munchkin. How was school?" Lee says smiling at my little sister.

"It was fun. There is this boy and he told me he wants to be my boyfriend." Ashley says happily.

"No boyfriends until you are 30." I say narrowing my eyes at her making both, Ashley and Lee, laugh.

"I can have a boyfriend if I want to." She says giving me the same look I am giving her.

"You want to bet on that little one? What is his name I want to talk with him." I say making Lee chuckle.

"I'm not telling Annie. You have boyfriends. I can to." She says crossing her arm.

"I have boys that are my friend. There is a difference. Besides, I don't like boyfriends I like girlfriends like Lee." I say smirking making Ashley laugh and Lee roll her eyes. Ashley sits up and taps Lee's shoulder looking at her with her serious face on.

"I wouldn't be Annie's girlfriend. She steals all the blankets when we sleep and she gives too many kisses." She says before sitting back and crossing her arms. Lee is laughing so hard she has tears in her eyes.

"You don't like my kisses?" I ask with a pout.

"I do but you give me lots of kisses."

"Ok. No more kisses for you little one." I say still pouting.

"No. Annie I love your kisses. They make me smile." She says looking a little scarred.

"Ok kisses for you again." I say smiling at her making her smile.

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