Finally Looking Up

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6 months later

Lee and I are happy. Her mom let her basically move in with me so that she can help me take care of Ash. I quit fighting. At first they called and begged me to do just one more but I always turned them down. Lee hates when I fight and I don't need to anymore. We no longer have to worry about money. When my father was arrested again a lawyer contacted me and every thing got turned over to me. Our home, their bank accounts, everything. Its mine now and let me tell you, we have a lot more money that we will ever need. "Can't catch me Riley!" Ashley yells out at Lee who is chasing her around the house.

"Get dressed Ash we have to go to the court house today." She frowns and Lee scoops her up.

"Gotcha, baby girl." Lee says to a giggling Ashley. They go upstairs to get dressed. Today is the day I have to testify against my father. After Lee gets Ash dressed, we head to the court house. Once inside, we take our seats in the front. My father is brought in and he sees us and you can see the anger cross his face. It's funny. The face that once paralyzed me in fear, just makes me feel disgust and anger. I am not scarred of him anymore. Before long I am called to the stand.

After my statement and the cross examination the judge excuses the jury to deliberate. When they come back they deliver a guilty verdict to the charges or assault with a deadly weapon, attempted murder, child abuse, and rape. He is sentenced to 50 years in prison and I feel like I can finally breathe easier. After we leave we head back to my house to have a lazy evening watching Disney movies with Ash and eating pizza. Things have been great. Lee and I graduate in 2 weeks and I will be 18 in 3. I can legally adopt Ashley and become her legal guardian.

2 week later

We did it. Lee and I graduated. The ceremony was long and boring but we are officially high school graduates. We both decided to go to the local college because it is a great school and we can stay here and keep Ashley. My aunt agreed to keep her while we were in class and while we play our sports. Oh yeah we both got scholarships to play for the school teams in our sports. Life is going great. I am waiting for the moment when it all goes to shit but it hasn't yet.

1 week later My Birthday

I wake up to Ash jumping on me.

"Wake up sleepy head its your birthday!" She says excitedly. I grab her and tickle her. She laughs and places her little hand on my cheek. "Happy birthday Annie. I love you sissy." She says. I pull her into me and pepper her face in kisses. "Stop Annie." She jumps up and grabs my hand trying to drag me out of bed. "Come on Rileys got a surprise for you." I get up and follow her downstairs.

Entering the kitchen I see a huge spread of food. All of my favorites are there. I walk up behind Lee who is taking the eggs out of the pan and kiss her neck. She turns off the stove and turns in my arms.

"Happy birthday baby." She says before connecting our lips.

"Can yall not eat each other's faces? There is food here you know?" Ash says. We look at her and she has the "ew" face on. We both laugh and sit down to eat. After breakfast Ash runs off and tells me to wait she has to give me my present. She comes back in with a box. I open it and its a new pair of batting gloves and the new softball bat I have been wanting along with a homemade card that says 'Happy birthday to the best sister in the world and I love you."

"Thank you baby girl. I love you." I say as I grab her up and kiss all over her face making her laugh.

"What did you get me babe?" I say raising my eye brows to Lee. She walks over and whispers in my ear.

"You will get my present later babe." She says standing up and winking at me. I grin and she smirks. I decided that all I wanted to do was chill with my 2 favorite people today so we pile on the couch and pop in some Disney movies. My aunt comes by around 6 and picks Ashley up. Once she is gone Lee goes upstairs saying she will be right back. I am watching tv when I hear Lee clear her throat from the stairs. I look over and my mouth drops and my eyes widen. There is my girlfriend in a red lace bra and thong with red lace thigh highs and red stilettos. My god my girlfriend is a fucking sex goddess. She clears her throat again snapping me out of my stupor.

"Are you coming or am I going to bed alone?" She says smirking. I jump off the couch and run over scooping her up bridal style and running up the stairs. I drop her on my bed and my brain short circuits at seeing her like this. I don't know where to touch first. I crawl on top of her and kiss my ways down her neck. She rolls us so that she is on top. "Nah uh its your birthday baby. I am going to take care of you."

Lets just say, BEST BIRTHDAY EVER.

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