Secrets Come Out

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After dropping off Lee, I pick Ashley up. We make it back home and my father is sitting in his chair waiting for me. I tell Ashley to go upstairs and get a bath. She does and I turn to my father.

"Did you get a win?"

"Yes we won 7-4. I hit a walk off grand slam."

"Well done." He says taking a sip of his no doubt alcoholic beverage.

"I'm going to take a shower and go to bed." I say heading towards the stairs.

"Wait." He says making me freeze. "Invite that girlfriend of yours for dinner one night." What?

"She's the soccer team captain she's pretty busy all the time." He doesn't respond. I go upstairs and get in the shower. Is he crazy?" Like I would let Lee writhing 100 feet of him. He can do what he wants to me, but Ashley and Riley are off limits. After my shower it's 8:30. I tuck Ashley into bed and head to my room.

"Annabelle, come down here." I hear my father yell from the bottom of the stairs. I take a deep breath and make my way down. Walking up and down the stairs doesn't feel the best on my ribs. I walk over to the living room and don't see my father.

"What the fuck was that you said?" He spits while his fist connects with the side of my head making me stumble and causing my vision to blue. "When I tell you to do something you do it." He yells while throwing me to the ground. My only thought is Ashley. She is upstairs and I know she isn't sleeping yet. He never does this with her here. He kicks me in the stomach and I gasp for air. I hear a noise and look up to the stairs. Ashely is peeking down, and I shake my head telling her not to come down. I see her tears falling as another blow lands, this one on my leg. Thankfully Ashley runs back up the stairs. He pauses before unleashing more pain on me. "You. Will. Do. What. I. Say." He says between kicks and punches. The last one landing on the back of my head and I feel the darkness beginning to close in.


Why is daddy hitting Annie? She shakes her head at me and I run back upstairs as fast as I can. I run to her room and grab her phone off the charger. Riley will help me.

"Hey babe. Whats up?"


"Hey sweet pea. Where is Bella?"

"Daddy is hitting her. He keep on kicking her and she laying down."

"Honey where are you?"

"In Annie's room. I'm scarred Riley."

"Baby girl, lock Annies bedroom door. Go in the bathroom and lock that door too. Can you do that for me baby?"

"Yes. Are you going to help Annie? Daddy is hurting her?"

"Yes baby girl I'm on my way."

I hang up the phone and hide in Annies bathroom.

Riley's P.O.V

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I chant over and over as I rush out of my house after Ashley's call. I call 911 as I jump in my moms car and drive as fast as I can to Bellas house. I make it in 2 minutes and park in the driveway, jumping out without even turning the engine off. The door is locked. Fuck. I look in the window and see Bella laying on the ground and her father punching her. She is holding up her arms around her head and I see him land a kick to the back of her head before she slowly starts dropping her arms and they fall away. She is unconscious. I hear the sirens and I run out to the road flagging them down.

The police bust in the door and I run in behind them. They arrest her dad and I drop in front of Bella and pull her into me. She is not awake. The police tell me to lay her back down until the ambulance gets here. I run up the stairs and yell for Ashley to come out. She opens the door, seeing the tears rolling down her face, I grab her in my arms picking her up and carrying her downstairs with me. The ambulance is here and they are putting Bella on the stretcher.

"Why isn't Annie waking up. She always wakes up when I shake her and they are moving her and she not waking up." Ashley asks me.

"The doctors are going to wake her up baby girl. I am going to take you to your Aunts how is that?" She nods and I carry her out to my car and drop her at her aunts. I immediately go to the hospital and they tell me Bella is in surgery. I call Jess and the guys and they say they will be there soon. Quint is the first to arrive and I fall sobbing into his arms. He holds me close and lets me cry. Everyone else shows up and I calm down a little.

"Ri what happened?" Jess asks. I debate on wether to tell them. It will be all over the news so I might as well.

"Bella's dad abuses her. He was beating her and Ashley called me. I called the police and they busted the door down and arrested him. I took Ashley to their aunts." I say closing my eyes. I hope my baby is ok.

"Annabelle's dad beat her? Is it the first time." Quint asks. I shake my head. "Has he?" He asks. He doesn't have to finish the question we all know what he means. I feel a tear slide down my cheek and give a half nod. They all go silent.

Jess and Marcus both have to leave but Quint stays at the hospital with me. It has been 6 hours since we got here and there is still no word on Bella.

"Are you ok Ri?" He asks putting his arm around my shoulders. I lay my head on his shoulder and shake my head.

"What if I was too late? I can't lose her. Not after everything. This is not how its supposed to happen. We are supposed to be together forever. We are supposed to move in together and get married and have a family. After all the waiting and worrying it can't end like this. I can't lose her when I just really got her." I say crying into his chest.

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