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After that revelation, I decide to put it into motion. I have come to the conclusion that I love Lee and I am in love with her and I want to be with her. I want to kiss her and hold her hand and claim her. I text Jess telling her to let everyone know to skip class and meet me in the gym.

"Lee I have to run to my car I will meet you in class." I say before kissing her cheek and walking towards the front entrance. I see her walk into class and I turn and go to the gym. Everyone is waiting for me.

"Ok guys. You all know Lee and I are whatever we are. In love with each other as yall like to say." I look at each one and they all have huge smiles on their faces. "I want to officially ask her to be my girlfriend. I want to do it at lunch in front of everyone." I look around and all off their jaws have dropped.

"Fucking Aniley bitchessss!" Quinten says making everyone laugh. "Aniley is goals as fuck" Jess says.

"Yeah yeah guys now help me."

"What if you call the florist and get roses delivered and the team lines up from the door. As she walks by we give her a rose and the guys can stand in front of you and you have the final rose in your hand. Once she makes it to you, the guys move and you hand her the rose and ask her." Jess says. Everyone is quiet.

"Thats a fucking great idea holy shit Jess you are so fucking romantic." I say. I quickly place the call and the roses get here with 5 minutes to go before the bell rings.  The team lines up with their flowers and everyone coming in is looking at them funny. Once Lee gets to the entrance of the cafeteria, Quint clears is throat telling me she is here. I am a little nervous but this is Lee we are talking about. She is going to love this lovey doves shit. After a few minutes I straighten up and hold my rose in front of me. Everyone in the lunch room is quiet and waiting to see what is going to happen. Quint and Marcus step to the sides and I look at Lee. She has tears in her eyes and a beaming smile on her face. I get down on one knee and hear a chorus of awes from all around the room.

"Riley, you have been my best friend for a long time. You are the only one that knows everything there is to know about me. The good and the bad." I pause locking eyes with her. "I love you and I am in love with you. I know it has taken me a long time to do this but I am doing it now. Riley Harper, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes." She says in a whisper before pulling me up by my shirt and smashing our lips together. "I love you Bella bear." She says making me grin. Everyone around us starts cheering and clapping.

"It's fucking ANILEY bitchessss!" Quint yells out and makes Lee and I laugh. After everyone calms down I sit while Lee goes to get our lunch.  She comes back and instead of sitting beside me, I pull her into my lap kissing her cheek. She giggles and its the fucking cutest thing ever. We eat and before we know it the bell is ringing for class. We make our way out and all head off to our different rooms.

After school we have practice. I don't do much because the bruises still hurt but I am Captain so I basically lead things. After practice Jess and a couple other girls head to the soccer field. Lee spots us and blows me a kiss making me smile. When its over, we head pick my sister up from her friends. We get her and head to my house. I fix them dinner and get Ashley ready for bed After tucking her in, Lee and I take our showers and cuddle together on my bed watching tv.

"I love you Lee." I say after starring at her for the past 15 minutes.

"I love you too Bella bear." She says kissing my nose. Not long after we fall asleep together and its the best night sleep I have had in a long time.

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