Final Round

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My dad is standing there. He has my girlfriend with a knife to her neck. Ashley is beside her crying because he also has her by the hair with his other hand.

"You thought you could have me arrested and I would just let you go?" He spits out, Lee wincing at the tone of his voice. Some thing inside of me snaps. I have never been able to stand up to him but seeing him with a knife to the love of my life's neck and my sister crying because her father has a tight grip on her hair changes something. I feel the hate and anger I have for this man flowing through my veins.

"What do you want?" I say in the most hateful voice I can muster. Lee looks at me with wide eyes.

"Come with me and I will leave these 2 alone." Lee goes to say something before I shake my head making her stop.

"Ok. Just let them go." He hesitates. Still holding them in the same position.

"Lee take Ash upstairs and don't come down until I tell you." I say as she picks my crying sister up.

"Baby I am not leaving you with him. You're still not healed." I just shake my head at her.

"Go now Lee. Please." I am pleading with her to get my sister away from this man. "Call the police tell them to bring an ambulance." I say making her eyes go wide. I think she realizes that I mean for him and not me. She picks Ash up and rushes up the stairs.

"You are going to need that ambulance when I am finished with you. Do you have any idea what the news said about me?" He says his face turning red. "You will pay for the shame you caused me."

"I caused?" I feel the tears prickling my eyes but they are angry tears. "You beat me all the time. You raped me. Your own daughter. You fucking disgusting bastard." A devilish smirk crosses his face.

"Who do you think you are talking to me that way?"

"You are not supposed to be here we have a restraining order against you. How did you even get out of jail?"

"I know people." He says lunging at me with the knife. He doesn't connect because I sensed it and I moved in time. "You are going to regret that. Maybe I will go up and have some fun with that girlfriend of yours when I am done with you." At that I get even angrier. He lunges at me again with the knife and this time it catches my right arm. I feel the blood dripping down to my hand before he goes to lunge again and I throw a punch at him. It connects with his mouth busting his lip.

"Did you just hit me?" He says laughing. "This is going to be fun." He lunges at me again catching my shirt slicing it. The next time he swings I deliver a spin kick to his left side that he opened up. He hunches over before I hear something on the stairs distracting me. I see Lee standing there with the phone talking to the 911 operator I assume. He catches me off guard and swings at my stomach cutting me. I put my hand there and pull it away. There is more blood. He looks over at Lee before smirking again. I can hear the sirens outside they are close. Its time to end this. I swing with my cast arm and catch him in the side making him hunch over before delivering my powerful right hook to the side of his head. He falls to the ground and Riley runs to me.

"You are bleeding badly Bella." She says inspecting my cuts. She is pulled away from me and tossed to the ground. I see red. I throw another punch and he falls back to the ground. I straddle him.

"Don't. Ever. Fucking. Touch. Her." I say delivering a punch to wherever it can land between each word. I am pulled off of him and the police officer cuffs him before the EMT checks him out. They determine that he is fine just going to have a hell of a headache and have a badly bruised face. They take him out before I feel light headed from the blood loss. The last thing I remember is Lee catching me before I fall.

I wake up in a hospital room. Fucking great. Not this shit again. I look over and Lee is sleeping with her head resting on the bed. I run my hand through her hair and she pops her head up.

"How long was I out this time?" I ask smiling at her.

"A couple hours. They said once you wake up we can leave. You had to have stitches on your stomach and arm." I pout. "Why are you pouting?" She asks confused.

"Now I have to wait even longer before I get to fuck you." I say pouting harder. She laughs and shakes her head.

"Leave it to you to be laying in a hospital bed and your biggest concern is the fact that you have to wait a little longer before we have sex. You are unbelievable babe." She says shaking her head again. The doctor comes in and checks me over before telling me that we can leave.

We go back home and strip off my torn shirt and look myself in the mirror. Scars and old bruises cover my body along with my 2 fresh cuts that are stitched. Damn I look rough. Lee walks up behind me and kisses my shoulder.

"What are you doing baby?"

"Looking at all these ugly ass scars." She locks eyes with me through the mirror.

"Don't ever say that. They are not ugly. They will always be there to remind you of what you have overcame in your life. You are the strongest person I know Bella bear and I am damn fucking proud to call you mine. Scars and all." My eyes water and I turn around before kissing her. She rests her forehead on mine. "Besides, it makes you look like a total badass and I dig it a lot." She says making me laugh.

"I love you Lee. I really do. Thank you for waiting for me."

"I would have waited forever Bella. You have always had my heart I just tried not to let you know how much, but it has always been you baby." She says kissing me again. "You saved mine and Ashley's lives today. You should be proud of that."

"I couldn't let him hurt either one of you. When he touched you I lost it. I wasn't scarred anymore just so fucking angry. I promised myself a long time ago I would never let him hurt anyone I loved."

"I know baby. I love you." She says pecking my lips. We crawl into bed and she takes off the t shirt she usually sleeps in leaving her in nothing but underwear. I raise my eyebrow at her and she shakes her head. "I just want to feel your skin on mine. I love the way you feel on me. I nod and we lay down before falling into a peaceful sleep.

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