The Rest of Our Lives

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4 years later

We graduated college yesterday. Holy shit, I never thought things would be like this. Lee and I are still together and we are college graduates and I have a very special graduation gift for her. We are 22 and I think it is time. Ashley helped me pick out the perfect ring. She is 15 now and she looks at Lee like a sister already because she has been with us through everything. Tonight we are all going to dinner. Lee, her mom, Aunt Betty, Ashley, her boyfriend, and myself are going to a nice restaurant to celebrate our graduation.

"Come on Lee we need to go, NOW!" I yell up the stairs.

"Be right there." She yells back.

"Do you have the ring?" Ash whispers to me.

"Of course I have it. Kind of hard to pop the question without it." I say back to her.

"Without what?" I hear from behind me.

"Umm nothing. Come on we have to go." We leave and go the the restaurant. After we eat and talk a while I signal to Lee's mom that it is time. She smiles widely before pulling out her phone to record it. This prompts Ash to do her part.

"I'm going to the bathroom. Be right back" I say getting up.

"Ri come over here and look at this." Ash says making Lee stand up and walk to the other side of the table. She is looking over Ashley's shoulder when I get down on 1 knee behind her with the little box in my hand. I clear my throat and she turns. Her hand goes over her mouth and I smile at her. I grab her other hand and begin.

"Lee, I love you more than anything in the world. You have been with me through the good and the bad, the ups and the downs, and the darkest parts of my life. You always stood by me lending me a shoulder to lean on. You stayed by me and waited for me when I was trying so hard to keep you away. I never thought I would be able to open my heart and let anyone in but you were persistent." I say making everyone laugh. I see the tears in her eyes. "I cant imagine my life without you. You are so important to me and Ash and I never want that to change. I want you to be by my side forever so..." I pause taking a deep breath. "Riley Harper, will you do me the honor of marrying me and becoming my wife?"

"Yes." She whispers before clearing her throat. "Yes." She says louder as I slip the ring on her finger. She pulls me up by the collar of my shirt and smashes her lips on to mine. I kiss her back and our family cheers and so do others who are in the restaurant. She pulls away and rest her forehead on mine. "I love you Bella bear."

"I love you too baby." I say pecking her lips.

8 months later

"I'm getting married today." I say to Quinten. Yes we are still friends. He is the only one that we really still talk to regularly but we still see some of the others from time to time. He is my best man and Ashley is Lee's maid of honor.

"I know Anna. I knew it would happen." He says smirking. I roll my eyes. There are about 100 people attending our wedding. Some friends from high school and college and some are people we have met through our work. Lee is a popular web designer and I opened my own gym that focuses on fighting styles and sports training. I am thinking about opening a 2nd location because it is doing so well.

"What if she has changed her mind? What if she decides she wants to date someone else before settling down. I mean we have been together for over 5 years. We have never actually dated other people. Sure we slept with other people but not dated. Oh my god I am going to throw up." I ramble out, nerves getting the best of me.

"Shut up Anna. You are getting married to the love of your life today. She hasn't changed her mind, she doesn't want to date anyone else. She wants your crazy ass. Now calm your ass down and lets go out there and make Aniley 100% legit bitch. You got this, that girl loves you more than anything. I told you Aniley is goals as fuck. I told you that 5 years ago and I will tell you again. Aniley is end game. You two were made for each other." I take a deep breath. He's right. It has always been Riley. There is no one else for me.

I am standing in the front of the church with Q beside me and the music starts to play. I look down the isle and see the love of my life looking more beautiful than ever. She is so fucking beautiful in her wedding dress. I can't believe this goddess is mine. I feel the tears welling up in my eyes and I blink them away. She is smiling at me and I feel that familiar warmth explode in my chest when it comes to Lee and I know this is where I am meant to be.

"You may now kiss the bride." I lock lips with my wife. My wife. I love the sound of that. Lee is now my wife.

"I told yall. ANILEY BITCHESSS!" We hear Q say as we are kissing making us break the kiss and laugh along with the crowd. He wraps his arms around both of us. "Congrats ladies. I told you Aniley is goals as fuck. So when and I going to have some god kids?" He asks making us both blush.

"Bye Q we have a honeymoon to go on." I say as Lee and I kiss his cheek on both sides at the same time.

"Aww I got an Aniley kiss. I feel so fucking special!" He says making us laugh. This is the beginning of our life together.

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