The Drug

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It stung they were doing something to me, and if I can feel it it must be bad. I can't even open my eyes in fear of seeing what their actually doing to me, but I do scream.

Slowly I feel the pain go away and some commotion. I open my eyes slowly to see a group of buff guys all talking in a corner. "The God is getting to close to us. We need to take him out." The biggest one says.

After discussing what I think is a plan one of the guys goes outside while the others climb the stairs to go to what I'm guessing is the roof. All I hear is silence until after what seems like hours I finally hear some one yell "Kneel!"

I turn my head as much as I can to look out to where I heard it. Loki can read minds right? Ok, then lets get him in mine. Of course I'm not entirely sure how the whole mind thing works, but I'll give it a shot.

Trying everything in me I try to make my brain waves the loudest by yelling in my head. I feel someone get a hold of me for less then five seconds before they let go and I hear a scream of pain outside the window. I then hear someone scream for Stephen Strange.

They must've stepped through the portal because right as I got a hold of who I assumed to be Loki, again the connection disappeared. I turn to a little bit of light coming from a door way.

"How could you let him get away?"

"Hey it's fine." A guy responded gruffly.

"Hey I'll tell ya if it's fine to let him go next time. Did you at least hit him with the gun?"


"Ok good." And with that who ever was talking to each other walk out of the door and leave. I hear another door open, but this one is behind me. I can feel my heart start to race as I know what is probable to come.

"Hey spider-boy is awake." Someone brushes by my face, but it's to dark to see if it's toxin or Toomes. "Now let's put him back to sleep," someone else pipes in. I see something glint in the dark, but can't quiet tell what it is.

"Now lets see how long you can fight this," he says as he puts something in my leg. I can't feel the pinch, but I can feel the effect of the drug. I look up at where I think hey are and start to panic. You can't just put anything in my body.

"What is it?" Someone asks to the left of me I'm guessing Toomes, which means the other is Toxin. "It's close to the thing I gave the God. Except the Gods was way more powerful and he will have a harder time getting back on his feet. Anyways in general it's just a special type of drug that dulls his powers and stops his healing completely while making him sick. It also will knock him out in... three... two... one."


"Ok tell us what you find." I tell Nat, Clint, Thor, and Sam. They are all gonna go scout the files at S.H.I.E.L.D. While Bucky, Vision and Wanda have already gone to go look into medical records over at the central hospital.

Bruce, Steve, and I are just waiting in the meeting/med room to hear back from Stephen and Loki. "Hey how are ya doin?" I ask Steve as I see him glance anxiously around. I grab his waist and hug him from behind. "I'm fine just worried."

"And why is that?" I ask a little muffled due to his shirt. "Everyone is split up." I ponder his answer for bit. "Yes, but we are in groups we all have each others back." He turns around.

"How about you are you ok?" He asks kind of chuckling at me. "Yes and I forgot to tell you. Don't worry this will ease you worrying." He rolls his eyes," Bruce helped me put a little device in everyones suits that will record their vitals so we'll know when somethings wrong that's also why we decided to kind of make the med room a meeting room."

Bruce clicks a button and it shows everyones vitals on the screen. Mostly including heart rate, temperature, and blood loss. "Neat." He says admiring the handy work of Bruce and I. "Hey is it supposed to be doing that?" He says as he stares at one of the monitors.

I walk over and see that Lokis is flashing red. "Shit. Bruce come here." I quickly pulled up the body picture so we could see if anything was wrong. "Help me watch for any injuries that might occur."

So far his heart beat was only rising. I look over at Stephens and see that his has quickened a little bit to. "Woah something happened," I turn quickly to see that Bruce is pointing at Loki. "His body got hit by something and it's faltering him, but I don't know what." We watch the monitor intently and see that Loki is getting bruised and scratched quiet a bit.

"Where are you Strange," I hear Steve mumble under his breath. Suddenly Stephens body shows that has gotten hit slightly on the head and that he has bruises on his torso. I quickly grab Steves hand as I see Lokis knee glow bright red indicating that an injury has occurred.

Before we have time to see anything else a portal appears. And out comes Stephen helping Loki. "Ahh," a pained scream goes throughout the med room. "He needs help," Stephen says as he lays him on a bed.

"Tony you help me we need to put him under." I let go of Steves hand and quickly head over to a drawer and start putting together a sleep formula. When I turn and rush over to Loki I find him already knocked out.

"Did you give something already Brucie?"

"No," he looks at me weirdly. "Should I still give him this even if he's knocked out?"

"Umm yeah." I quickly obey and give him the drug in his arm. I didn't give a super strong one because clearly something is wrong with him and his powers. "Now what?" Steve asks as he walks up behind me.

"Now we wait."

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