8- interns and albums

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On Sunday afternoon, after church service, Malachi came to the hostel to find his door open and ajar

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On Sunday afternoon, after church service, Malachi came to the hostel to find his door open and ajar. He found it weird but dismissed it as probably the maintenance people doing their stuff.

He entered to see his room trashed upside and down. His bed was flipped over and so was Elder's. His books were all over the place with his clothes scattered in his wardrobe. His heart beat faster as he began packing the stuff back again.

Guess whose room was broken into, Benson, he whispered. Ours

He hoped nothing essential of his or Elder's had been stolen and when he was flipping Elder's bed back, it dawned on him that the break-in was not random. His thoughts were again far-fetched but he took his phone from his pocket and called Simi.

"Hey Kai. Back from church?" Simi asked when she picked.

"Yeah. Didn't you go?" he asked her.

Simi faked a gasp, "No sarcastic reply? Where did I sleep yesternight?"

"Ha-ha. My room was trashed when I came back. Is the photobook still with you?"

"Yeah. It's in one of my drawers,"
She had decided to take the photobook back to her room so could see if any of the other photos were connected. So far, she hadn't opened it yet.

"Are you okay?" there was concern in Simi's voice.

Malachi ran his hand through his hair. His mother had always made him get a buzz cut when he was little and now that he hardly saw her, he had grown his hair into a wild afro.

"I'm okay Si. I just got a weird feeling that maybe they were looking for the photobook."

"Don't you think we should find a lecturer and talk to him about all this?" Simi's voice was on edge, fear grasping a hold on her.

"No. No. This might sound paranoid but we can't trust anybody," Malachi replied.

"What do we do then? 'Cos I'm getting scared Kai." Simi said.

Malachi sighed and contemplated everything that was going on. "Do you think Dr. James' office is open by now?" he asked Simi.

"It's a Sunday but probably."

"Meet me at the University Main Gate in an hour Simi."

"Alright then." She replied and cut the line.

Malachi had sounded ominous to Simi on the phone but then again it was Malachi, he perfected broody and ominous.

Back at his hostel, Malachi got back to rearranging the stuff in the room. He put one of J. Cole's album, Forest Hills Drive on loudspeaker on his phone and moved with the rhythm while he packed.

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