53- explosions and doorknobs

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A/NPlease listen to Pachelbel's Canon in D while reading this chapter

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Please listen to Pachelbel's Canon in D while reading this chapter.

It is said that a split second can change your course of life. That split second is when you bump into the love of your life, your lecturer decides to give you an extra mark so you don't fail your exams or in Malachi's case, watch your best friend's neck get snapped.

He stood there mouth agape, a horrified look on his face and watched Simi fall down. It was as if there was no air for him to breath and Julia grinned like a maniac.

Malachi looked at Simi on the ground and Julia and back to Simi again and when he rushed towards his best friend, Julia ran towards the front door, picking the overnight bag she'd hidden behind one of the couches.

This hadn't been her plan. Her plan had been to get Simi to her place for a sleepover and make Simi invite Malachi over. And she'd inject them with Chill, slash their throats and burn the house.

So when the media broke the news on Chill and Simi decided to come earlier, she had to improvise. After she knocked Simi unconscious, Julia turned on all the stoves in the kitchen.
It was a very basic and textbook way of getting rid of her enemies. As she told Simi all she'd done, the inflammable gas filled the kitchen first and drenched the entire house. Julia knew it would take a while before Simi noticed the scent.
Then she'd get Malachi distracted by snapping Simi's neck and run out of the house but not before lighting a match when she got to the door.

Just a match and both Malachi and Simi would be burnt to ashes and from those ashes, Julia would rise like a baby phoenix, with a new identity and no one knowing all she'd ever done.

Julia reached the front door in a matter of seconds and took out a match box from her pocket and turned to Malachi and Simi.
He was crouched beside Simi, his hands hovering over her as if a touch would worsen her case. Malachi's incessant mentioning of Simi's name as tears fell down his face sparked a flame of regret in Julia.

It's not my fault, Julia shrugged and thought.

She placed a hand on the doorknob, ready to spring out of the house the very minute she scratched the match on the wall. Julia gave one last look at her friends and realized that Malachi was now up and moving at her.
She twisted the door knob and scratched the match at the same time before realizing that the door knob was locked.

Julia's eyes widened and blew out the flaming match. She tried again and the door knob was still locked. This wasn't part of her new plan and that plan had been fool proof.

She redirected her movement but Malachi was too close to her now. He hit her shoulder with enough force that Julia felt the dislocation almost at once. She cried out in pain and held her shoulder in one hand.

The pupils in Malachi's eyes had widened to the extent that it seemed his eyes were completely black. He moved towards Julia slowly as she ran in a staggered manner to the back door of the house. He had nothing to lose now. Elder was gone and now so was Simi. They were gone and he couldn't do anything about it.

With each step Malachi took towards Julia, it was as if he was a lion savoring his prey before pouncing on her. He didn't care about anything anymore, just one thing; ripping Julia's head off and doing it slowly.

Julia reached the back door, pulled it open and tumbled on the soft grass at the back of the house. Her shoulder was badly dislocated and she was in great pain. Her plan had fallen to shambles in a matter of seconds and the darkness in Malachi's eyes frightened even her.

"Please Kai," she whimpered as she moved on the grass. "She's not-,"

Malachi didn't allow her to finish and hit her in the same shoulder again. A piercing shriek from Julia filled the air and she clutched her shoulder tighter. There wasn't blood but her shoulder was so oddly bent it was if Hephaestus himself had gone to play with it.

Malachi jumped on her and with brute force, began to hit Julia. Each hit was calculated, each one hitting a different part of Julia. All the anger episodes he'd held in had come together to form a twisted version of Malachi. A twisted version made more twisted with grief.

Blood splattered on Malachi's face as memories of him, Simi and Elder replayed in his head. They were the only family he had apart from his mother and they had been taken away by the one person none of them ever thought of.

A memory of the time Elder and Simi had pranked him and he'd chased El around campus played in his mind. Suddenly, he was yanked back into reality as a hand threw him off Julia.
His face was bloody like a horror movie killer and his knuckles hurt. He got back up and Abby was in front of him, screaming.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Do you know how bad this is?" she shouted at him but he could hear her voice as a distant echo.

"Simi's dead. She killed her,"

Abby's hand flew to her mouth. "Oh my God, Kai."

She embraced Malachi and he closed his eyes and willed away more tears from falling. Abby moved her hand in slow circular movements at his back and Malachi held on tighter.

When he opened his eyes, Julia had vanished from where he left her and had crawled her way back into the house. She was lying on the linoleum floor on her stomach and blood was pooling around her. Julia picked a match and tried to light it on the floor but her strength was failing.

Malachi's eyes widened and he understood why the house smelled of gas when he'd entered. She's going to blow up Simi and herself!

He pulled out of the embraced and said to Abby, "Ran to the main street. Now!" before breaking into a sprint into the house.

Abby didn't think twice and ran to the street in front of the Benson house. She stopped at the pedestrian walk at the main street and bent her upper body on her knees, panting. She straightened her body and waited for Malachi to appear. She didn't understand what his parting words meant but the NSA would arrive soon and everything would be better somehow.

Where are you Malachi Smith? Abby didn't finish thinking and saw Malachi ran out of the front door.

In his arms was Simi's limp body, her hair loose. Malachi walked as fast as he could but Simi's weight was slowing him down. The look of alarm on Malachi's face confused Abby as she waited for them to get to her.

Malachi had barely gone down the mini staircase in front of the house when the Benson house blew up in flames, the blast throwing him and Simi across the front lawn.

Malachi had barely gone down the mini staircase in front of the house when the Benson house blew up in flames, the blast throwing him and Simi across the front lawn

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