34- twins and scary areas

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When Jamal reached their apartment, it felt as if his heart would jump out of his chest

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When Jamal reached their apartment, it felt as if his heart would jump out of his chest. A hollow sound filled his eardrums and his knees still felt wobbly. His sisters were all he had, all he lived for. And if anything happened to them, he didn't know what he'd do with his life.

Still talking to God under his breath, he opened the door and saw his sisters on the bed, arms all over each other. Relief washed over him as he watched them.
He walked over to them and disentangled their bodies and brushed his hand over Kali, the older twin's face. Kali's eyes fluttered and opened.

"Ama wanted to pee but the door was locked."

She was the older twin but her sister, Ama was the more responsible one. Whenever Kali ran into trouble, her sister covered up for her. Jamal gave a weak smile. He still hadn't gotten over the fear that something had almost happened to them.

"What did you do?" he asked her.

"I told her that you'll come soon."

He turned over Ama and when he didn't see a wet patch on the bed, he woke her up gently and led her to the bathroom opposite their apartment.
After, Jamal watched his sisters sleep and promised himself to keep them as far from danger as possible.

The following afternoon, after lectures, Malachi boarded a shuttle and with Jamal's directions, found himself in a neighborhood that surprised him. Every step he took, he checked around him to see if there was someone following him.

The buildings were dilapidated, the streets were dirty and he could hear screams coming from one of the houses he'd just passed by.

As he got closer to the building Jamal described to him, he saw him standing in front with his hands in pocket. Jamal's head was facing downwards and he would kick a stone now and then.
When Malachi got to him, he raised his head and immediately, Malachi knew something wrong.

He nodded at him, "What's up?"

Jamal replied, "I'm cool bro. Let's go inside."

Malachi followed Jamal inside and realized that the interior of the building was quite okay compared to the exterior. A few cracks on the walls and some small lizards running around but it was okay nonetheless.

"What happened?" he asked Jamal when they got to his room and sat down.

Jamal closed his eyes for a second and began talking. "I couldn't sleep Kai. Forson came to see me and he's very pissed off. He told me to stay away from you or else he'd hurt my sisters."

"Where are they? Your sisters."

"Gone to school. They're in primary five. I was so scared bro, it felt like I was literally losing my mind."

"I hate Dr. Forson."

"He said whoever leaked the hierarchy table is in trouble. And trouble as in -the person will be killed- trouble." Jamal picked some stray clothes from the floor and put them in the laundry basket.

Malachi's eyes darted to two suitcases that belonged to the twins. "Whoa. I can't let you continue this with me Jamal."

Jamal stopped and turn gave a sharp turn to face Malachi. "No. I'm not doing that."

"Your sisters. We can't have anything happening to them. please."

"You think I don't know that? It's because of them I'm doing all this. Forson will forever control my life if I let him. We have to get rid of him."

"Come on bro. Simi was right. This is getting dangerous. I have to continue doing this alone."

Jamal calmed himself. "Malachi, stop thinking this is all about you and your best friend. You aren't the only one who's been hurt by all of this. Heck, people have died. Do you the number of students who took Chill and ended up dead? Please- "

"Wait, stop." Malachi cut him off.


"You said some students ended up dead. Which students?"

Jerry rubbed his hand over his face. "They didn't take too well to Chill. One girl drowned, some group were too high and ended up in a car crash."

It was if some light had suddenly lit up in Malachi's head. At once, he got all excited.
"Before I came to talk to you about El. Simi and I had gone through his photobook and we saw photos of a girl handing some stuff to some of our mates. They all turned up dead the same way you're talking about and we thought the girl talking to them was just mutual coincidence but now I think she was involved in their deaths."

"Did you see the girl's face?" Jamal asked him.

Malachi shook his head. "No. But I have a strong feeling that I know her and El probably did too."

"It wasn't Abby?"

"I thought it was at first but I'm not sure."

"Kai, we have to call Peter. Set up the meet with him and get him to give us the List. We have to take them down."

Malachi nodded and stood up from the bed. He took his phone out and went through it.
"I copied his number from Simi's phone. We can call him now on a burner phone."

Jamal raised his eyebrows. "Why did you do that?"

"What? Copy his number? I was suspicious of him."

Jamal gave him an 'I don't believe you' look and smiled. "Whatever you say man."

Malachi shook his head and shrugged. He took out a burner phone from his backpack and dialed Peter's number on it.

It rang twice and on the third ring, a masculine voice answered. "Hello."

"Boss." Malachi answered.

"Who is this?"

"I'm in need of some stuff and I heard you are the right person to talk to."

Peter's voice replied, "Of course. What do you need?"

 What do you need?"

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Author's Note.
Do you agree with Jamal still going after The Chill Network? I know I don't. And aren't his sisters the cutest?
Catch us in the next chapter and let's see what happens after the phone call!
Please don't forget the start button down there. *smiles shyly*

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