10- dates and the Scene

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Abby followed Malachi from a distance when he walked out of his last lecture for the day

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Abby followed Malachi from a distance when he walked out of his last lecture for the day. Her messy brown hair was hidden under a cap and she wore a pink blouse and dark jeans to blend in with the other students around her.

When Malachi fished out his phone from his pocket and pressed the phone to his ear, Abby hoped that he wasn't calling Simi. It had been almost a week since she followed them to the University Hospital and the two of being together always ruined her plans.

She felt an itch in her left thigh and tried to scratch it when she bumped into someone. It was a girl about her age who had been fixed on her phone and also hadn't seen her.

"Sorry there. Didn't see you." The girl apologized and moved on.

"Shit!" Abby exclaimed and looked for Malachi.

His wild afro was nowhere to be seen and Abby let out a growl that drew looks from the other students walking past her. She felt like retreating her steps to punch the girl who'd distracted her. This mission of hers was now top priority and her boss had been pestering her for answers ever since Elder had been stupid enough to try what he did.

She rushed ahead, whipping her head stealthily around her to catch a glimpse of Malachi. She had reached the shuttle station and had already given up hope when she saw him. Malachi.

There you are handsome, Abby smiled.

Malachi hopped into a dark blue shuttle and Abby was grateful for the new shuttle system of the school. When the new Vice Chancellor came into power, he'd made the shuttles colour coded to make transport easier for students.
The dark blue shuttle went to a place off campus known as The Scene, where restaurants, hotels and bars were found.
She said a silent prayer and got into the next dark blue shuttle.

She said a silent prayer and got into the next dark blue shuttle

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"What kept you long? You can't stand a girl up you know." The preppy receptionist from Dr. James' work floor said to Malachi.

"The lecturer didn't want to let us go," He flashed his half dimpled smile and pulled out the other chair under their table.

After four days, Dr. James' receptionist, Asha, had finally agreed to go on a date with Malachi. He and Simi had rehearsed everything he would say but when he laid eyes on Asha, his thoughts slowly jumbled together.

"Keep flashing that smile and we might recover our mojo." Asha suggested.

"We had a mojo?" Malachi cocked his head and smiled again.

Asha rolled her eyes. "Don't flatter yourself mister."

"But you just said-. Wait a minute, you're messing with me." He realized and faked a gasp of hurt.

They ordered for fries and crispy chicken at the café they had come to and Asha and Malachi launched into conversations. One conversation looped over another until Malachi had forgot why he came there.

"So this patient came in with his head bleeding and I rushed to help him. And being the clumsy person I was, I slipped and hit my butt hard on the floor. Dr. James didn't know who to look after, me or the guy with the bleeding head." Asha was saying in between fits of laughter.

Just then a memory of Elder hit Malachi. They had been late for their first class that day and in their attempt to hurry, Elder had slipped on the stairs leading to the ground floor of their hostel and sprained his leg.
The reason he had come to this date rushed to him again.

"I heard about the guy who OD'ed on campus. Did you see him when they brought him to Dr. James for his autopsy?"

Asha frowned on the sudden change of topic but didn't suspect anything. "Yeah. I was the only one there with Dr. James that day."

"You helped him with the autopsy?" Malachi asked her.

"He was acting all strange that day after the autopsy. I think it really affected him because he made me refer most of his cases to another doctor." Asha drew invisible drawings on the table with her left hand.

"Wasn't it weird for you? The autopsy?"
Malachi pressed on and hoped Asha wouldn't get suspicious.

"So weird! I wanted to get out of there as soon as I could and luckily, your Dean called when we were closing the body up."

Malachi swallowed hard and tried not to think that his best friend was now being referred to as a body. "Wait, our Dean?"

"Yeah. He said it was important so I left the autopsy room so Dr. James could talk to him."


He'd found another piece of the puzzle. The Dean had talked to Dr. James before he came on tv to give the official report.
Asha had given him more than enough and now he could continue his date with the incredibly beautiful girl with light skin and the pink and blue hair highlights sitting opposite him.

Luckily, the food they'd ordered came and Malachi changed the topic to something lighter. He hadn't been on a date in a long while and Asha was fun to be around.

Abby listened from the table next to theirs as Malachi and a girl she didn't know conversed with each other. They had been so fixed on each other that they both hadn't noticed when she slipped in and sat down at the table behind them. A pair of dark sunglasses, sealing her identity.

She was zoning out of their conversation, thinking she'd wasted her time following Malachi when she heard two names. The Dean of Evans Mills University and Dr. James, the University doctor.

Malachi had just landed a piece of the puzzle right into her lap and her boss would be pleased to hear it.

Malachi had just landed a piece of the puzzle right into her lap and her boss would be pleased to hear it

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Was Malachi being mean for using Asha like that?
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