Chapter One

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The pine needles stuck into her feet as she ran through the forest of Washington. It had been weeks since she had last eaten. Her limbs felt heavy weak. But she could not stop. He would catch her. She mustn't be caught.



The caves were dark and cold but the two young boys pushed on. Torches shot small light beams as their laughter bounced off the walls. They climbed and joked as they pushed their way deeper into the cave system.

But in the corner of a cavern lay a mummy in a crumpled mouldy Victorian dress. Her skin and hair was grey like stone. What were the whites of her eyes were bloodshot and wide open. Her chest moved slowly up in down as she breathed.

The boys stopped and stumbled as their torches shone on her body. She moved her head and stared. Screaming the boys ran from the cave. their feet pounded on the cave floor as they ran tumbling to the entrance.



Stumbling through the undergrowth, she did not slow. Her body throbbed and her head spun but she did not stop. What if he was following her? She could not move fast at all, he might catch her. She didn't want to know what would happen if he caught her.



outside of the cave, the forest was silent and the sun bright. But the boys did not stop even to catch their breathes. They ran all the way back to the village, one with tears running down his face.

Their parents unsure whether or not to believe them. The issue went to the council anyway. Concerned for their safety, the council took the issue up with both packs and the Cullen coven.



the cold dampness of the cave provided comfort to her aching limbs. She had crawled down deep, as far as she could go. But she was too tired to move again. She would be safe here. He wouldn't look for her here. The Brotherhood would not find her again. But was she safe?



"Why are they here", asked Paul.

"Because we hope that they might know the answer to what has happened", replied Billy.

"What exactly happened?" asked Carlisle.

"Two of the young boys decided to go exploring in the cave system in the forest", said Billy

"I thought the caves were off limit or something", said Embry.

"Well, we've possibly just found out".

The air around the group grew tense. What could possibly have made the tribe elders of the past forbid entering that cave?

"They claim to have found something, or well someone living down there. They said that they had thought it might a mummy? But it moved. Its skin was grey and its eyes were red.

"Carlisle?" growled Edward.

"I had not thought it necessary to worry you all", responded Carlisle

"We're a bit out of the loop. Care to share?" asked Paul.

"There is another type of vampire", Carlisle sighed before continuing "The feature you describe match up with there kind. When they don't feed their bodies dry out and they become weak. They call it desiccation. After a while they almost fossilise, their limbs become hard to move- like a rock. Vampires that are desiccated long enough look disturbingly like mummified bodies. I wouldn't worry though".

"Why", asked Sam.

"This vampire must have been here longer than we have. Their skin has already turned grey. They won't be able to move from that spot unless they have been feed."

"Great. We have a starving vampire that cannot move in our cave system that may or may not have almost killed a couple kids" snarled Paul.

"Calm down. Starting a fight isn't going to help any of us", reasoned Sam

"What should we do? It would be cruel to leave her there" claimed Seth.

"Why would that be," asked, Paul.

"To get into the caves they would have past by the village or have known that it was there"


"They didn't attack us", continued Seth. He looked helplessly at his quiet pack leader. Jacob had to do something. Sighing he joined in.

"Wouldn't it be safer if we didn't leave them in a cave? If they had the energy to move their head them how do know if the boys hadn't come any closer than they wouldn't have attacked him?"

"He is right we have to at least move them, and before the boy's story gets out and someone braver decides they want a closer look at this mummy", said Sam...

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