Chapter Two

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The next day their plan to remove the desiccated vampire from the cave was put into action. Edward and Sam were to enter the cave to retrieve them, Edward to carry them as they couldn't bite him (and he is fast) with Sam to watch him. The entrance to the cave was small and pokey. "Think they chose this place to be alone", asked Embry.

"Why would they stay? I can't be very nice down there", replied Seth.

"I guess we're about to find out", said Quil.

The three boys stood off to the side of the group watching the goings on around them. "At least only two bloodsuckers are allowed on our lands", said Embry.

"Wonder if they will revive them? I mean they brought a blood bag", said Quil.

Just outside the cave, the pack leaders were talking with Carlisle and Edward. "Why did you bring a blood bag?", asked Jacob.

"If we want to talk to them they will likely need to be revived", replied Carlisle.

"I'm sure if they could move then they can talk", said Leah.

"I think you'd be surprised. If they find it hard to talk they will likely not talk to conserve energy. We don't know how weak they are", reasoned Carlisle.

"Let's just get them out then we can decide what to do with them", said Jacob. "You know what to do," he said referring to Edward. He nodded.

"Come on let's get this thing out", said Sam.

Sam and Edward left the group, Sam shifting into a large black wolf and entered the cave. It was cold damp and pitch black but they ran through without missing a step. It took only a few minutes to reach the depth The vampire had painful crawled. She lay there in a crumpled heap of mouldy blue skirts. Her eyes stared up at the ceiling. The cold one and shapeshifter approached her slowly like a wounded animal. Her eyes did not move as they stared straight up at them as they stood over her.

Sam could see why the boys had said that her eyes were red. They were bloodshot but her irises were a deep blue colour. Human. But her skin was grey like stone. Slowly a tear escaped her eyes and slid sideways down unmoving check. If Sam could he would be frowning. Moving his head up to look at Edward to ask him if he could sense her thoughts.

"Her mind is all jumbled", frowning Edward continued "She can't seem to focus on a single thought at once. But she's scared of us, especially you. Doesn't seem to like wolves". Bending down slowly he picked her up bridal style and they left the cave.

Outside the cave Carlisle and the rest of the pack waited anxiously. None of them knew what Sam and Edward would bring back with them, whether there was a vampire to start with. To say they were shocked when Sam phased back and emerged from the cave with Edward carrying the vampire whose arms were wrapped around his neck and had buried her face into his should when they had emerged into the light.

"My God", whispered Jared.

"The light hurts her eyes", Edward said as he lay her down at the feet on the pack. She had screwed her eyes shut and slowly and stiffly moved her neck so she wasn't facing towards the morning sun. With obvious reluctance, Leah retrieved a pair of sunglasses from the small backpack she had carried there with her. Slowly and cautiously she moved closer until she was crouching in front of her.

"She's not gonna bite me is she," she asked Edward

"I don't know. She can't seem to hold a train of thought", he replied.

Taking a breath Leah placed the sunglasses over her eyes. Through the lenses, they could see the vampire open her eyes and stare at them.

"Merci", she said. Her voice was raspy and quiet.

"Oh great, she speaks only French", grumbled Paul.

"No", said Edward. "She can understand everything we say. English isn't her native tongue though, neither is French. I don't think she can remember how to speak English very well".

"Shouldn't we give her some blood then. She didn't even try to bite Leah", said Seth pushing forward through the group until he was standing right next to her.

Looking down at her his eyes widened in shock. "Oh", he said.

"this is going to be interesting", said Edward.

"You didn't Seth", asked Leah frowning.

"I think I did", he replied.

"Of cause", said Paul. "We're stuck with whoever this bloodsucker is now".

"Don't call her that", growled Seth.

"How about we all calm down and figure out what to do with her", said Sam.

"We can't hurt her", said Seth almost panicking.

"Don't worry Seth it's against pack rules to harm an imprint but we can't just leave her here", interjected Leah.

"You've been awfully quiet Doctor", said Sam.

"Remember when I said I had met a couple while I lived with Volturi", he said.

"You don't know who she is? Do you", asked Jacob.

"She looks like the first of these others vampires I ever met. If she is then I would suggest we all keep our mouths shut", replied Carlisle.

"Why", asked Seth, who was becoming more and more distressed by the second.

"Calm down Seth", Embry said resting a hand on the younger boys shoulder. "Don't want to scare her off before you even know her name".

Seth's shoulders slumped as he took a deep breath.

"Can you tell us for certain if she is who you think she is", asked Sam.

"Maybe if she remembers me otherwise we'd have to feed her to tell", replied Carlisle.

"We'll try the first option before we do anything else", stated Sam

"Think you'd be able to tell if she recognizes him", Jacob asked Edward.

"She doesn't seem to be hearing everything we say but when she does I get flashes of memories". Edward turned to face Carlisle. "If you think about when you met her I'd be able to match memory sequences up. You just have to get the right word"...

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