Chapter Three

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They had moved the vampire so that she was sitting with back to a tree- Seth had complained about leaving her to lie on the ground.

Carlisle crouched down in front of her.

"Got the memory Edward", he asked.

Edward nodded in response.

"Hi", he said. "I think we have met before in Volterra in 1821. You were there with another vampire, Kol. That was his name wasn't it".

The moment Carlisle mention Kol's name the vampire's eyes flew up to meet his. Questionably Carlisle looked to Edward.

"I got flashes of his face. She recognises who you're talking about", said Edward.

"Do you know if she is the same person", asked Jacob thinking about what this would mean for Seth.

"I can't tell".

Carlisle turned to look at her. "There was a little girl with you as well. She was a human, young and African. She clung to your skirts the whole time you were there. Anjelica, that was her name wasn't it". Carlisle paused and looked over at Edward again.

"I think your right about who she is, she just doesn't recognise you. When you mention Anjelica I saw her in her memories, she seemed to hide behind her skirts a lot", said Edward almost smiling.

"What's her name then", asked Seth.

"Calm down", said Embry. "You're trying not to scare her, right".

"Yes, but if you know what her name is can't you tell us all", he asked.

"Eleanora Mikealson", answered Carlisle laughing.

"Do you think you might be able to get her to actually recognise you, doctor. It might be easier for her to have someones she has at least seen before around", asked Sam.

"I can only try", responded Carlisle.

"Eleanora, we talked when you visited Volterra. Do you remember?" The pack intently watched Edward see if he could pick up whether Eleanora remembered Carlisle or not. He shook his head, so Carlisle continued.

"I asked about the crucifix you wore around your neck. Can you remember?"

"It's very important to her", Edward stated.

sighing Carlisle continued. "When I asked you told me it was to show that you believed in God and Christ's suffering. You said that vampirism was a test from God. You said to me that this was why vampire's feared death so much because they would be punished for their actions. You told me not to fear death and welcome it with open arms because when I die I will be forgiven for my crimes if I regretted them and tried to make things right. Then finally you told me that you didn't know if there was a place after death, but that it would be best to live a full life so that my spirit would move on to whatever is out there and not be stuck in the realm in-between".

"Wow, she's really something", murmured Embry to Seth.

"Yeah, she is". Seth already sounded lovestruck.

"Does she remember him cause if she doesn't already, continuing to try would be a waste of time", said Paul, he was getting hungry and waiting for a new type of vampire to remember the head bloodsucker was not on his bucket list.

"Cullen", she said. Her voice was still sounded quiet and raspy but they could all had super sensitive hearing.

"Can we revive her", asked Seth. His eyes were wide and begging. Although he did not know her, she was his imprint and seeing her struggle physically pained him.

"She's not going to kill us all or anything", asked Jacob.

"Unless we annoy her no, but I've only met her once, long ago she could have changed. We don't know how long she's been here but based on her attire I'd say before the 20th century, she's likely to be mentally distressed and confused", replied Carlisle.

"That's why I can't read her thoughts, she's not really thinking much at all", added Edward.

"How about you discuss her mental wellbeing after we revive her. If you haven't noticed you all are stressing Seth about her state of mind before anyone has actually talked to her", growled Leah. Seth was her little brother, and although he was 19 now hearing that his imprint might be crazy upset her and they weren't even talking about her imprint! But as Seth's imprint, she was now a part of her family. No one liked to be told that their future in-law is mental.

Ripping the corner of the bag off, Carlisle poured some of the blood inside her mouth. Almost immediately she started to look better. Her skin lightened until she was pale except for the thick black veins that riddled her body. Her hair became lighter and lighter until it settled on a strawberry blonde colour.

Soon her skin settled on a pale caucasian colour but the black veins remained. Her eyes fluttered open and her iris's deep blue colour was far more striking on a white background than red. her features were delicate and striking making her a great beauty. But the veins marred her appearance like a deep battle scar.

"What's up with her veins", asked Paul.

"I don't know", answered Carlisle."I've neither seen or heard of anything like this". He reached out and grabbed her arm inspecting her black veins.

"How about we just ask her", said Embry.

The pack and two cold ones turned to look at Eleanora wanting to find the answer to their question. But she had slumped up against the tree. She looked almost green.

"Is she sick or something", asked Quil.

"Carlisle", growled Edward. The pack looked questionably at the two cold ones.

"There are more than just another Vampire species out there. My only source of information is when I met Eleanora, she mentioned witches and actual werewolves that are at the mercy of the full moon", responded Carlisle.

"She's not very talkative it seems but her thought are much clearer", sighed


"Do you know what happened", asked Seth desperately.

"A witch named Emily Bennet cursed her".

"Tried to kill me she did", Eleanora giggled. "Not as strong as she thought she was"...

Authors note 

thanks for reading my story so far!! 3 chapters on the first day, I publish as I finish chapters so updates will be all over the place. Any feedback or ideas are welcome. I am a beginner writer so I might need them at some point. Enjoy :)

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