Chapter Eight

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(I'm not going to write out the story of the third wife you all know how it goes. Also, I changed the hybrid curse slightly why I did it will make sense later on).

Ella found the idea of imprinting odd. To be able to find one's soulmate with a single look seemed unreal to her. But in front of her sat the evidence of how well imprinting works. Love and adoration.

"Tonight we have been joined by a member of a new species of vampire who we hope to create a new alliance and maybe even another treaty", said the tribe elder Billy.

"Thank you for having me here. I believe that my presence on your land must unsettle you all and I hope that my kind won't ever bother yours", Ella said from her perch on the log. Many of the pack members around her nodded, her answer seemed to satisfy them for the current time. Everyone around her began to talk to the people around them, some even wondered off down the beach.

But soon she found the leaders of the pack standing in front of her.

"I suppose you all want to know more", Ella asked.


The group moved to stand away from the earshot of the imprints, though Ella did not know the extent of the hearing of the shapeshifters.

"What is it that you all want to know", she asked.

"How exactly are you cursed", questioned Seth. Since he had first found out that she was cursed, he had wanted to know why and how she had been cursed and how it had to do with her brother.

"It is a very long story. Do you want the short story or the long story"?

"Long", replied Leah.

"It started when my family became vampires. My brothers Elijah and Niklaus had been fighting for the favour from one of the village girls Tatia Petrova. Tatia was the first Petrova doppelganger. I assume you have all been told how my family all came to be", said Ella. Around her many of the pack leaders, all nodded their heads. Seth was unsure about what this girl Tatia could have to do with Ella's curse unless she was talking about the first one. That was not what Seth had in mind when he asked her the question, but he was almost curious about the first curse as second.

"Because Tatia was a doppelganger her blood possessed mystical properties which was why Mother chose her blood to lace our wine with.

After our transformation into vampires, the bloodlust was hard to control. My twin brother Niklaus was one of the first of us to kill, which as you all know triggered his werewolf gene. As a hybrid, Klaus was not at the mercy of the mother moon. He turned the and there and went on a rampage killing several others. Not long after that my other brother Elijah accidentally killed Tatia. My mother used what was left of Tatia's blood to curse Klaus and I so that or werewolf sides stayed dormant. Every curse has a loophole and my mothers were that if a vampire, werewolf and doppelganger were sacrificed and their blood splattered over the moonstone which my mother used to bind the curse we would be cured.

My brother became obsessed with breaking the curse and in 1492 the next Petrova doppelganger appeared. Katarina Petrova had moved to England from Bulgaria and right into the town, we were living in. But someone told Katarina Klaus's plan to murder her and like any other person would she ran. But Katarina was very cunning and from the knowledge, she had gained she knew that to be sacrificed she had to be mortal. My kind can turn others to vampire's if they die with our blood in their system. Our blood can heal. Katarina tricked a vampire named Rose into healing the wounds that she had gained running from my brother's minions. Then she killed herself.

Niklaus was very angry. Petrova doppelgangers are descended from each other. Klaus is the most powerful member of my family, we all follow him. An angry Klaus is not someone you want to be around. My siblings and I have helped him to try and track Katarina down. He wanted to kill her himself. In 1864 I tracked Katarina down to a small town called Mystic falls in Virginia. Unknown to me, Katarina had become allies with a powerful witch named Emily Bennett. When I confronted Katarina, Emily was with her. Emily tried to use a spell to kill me but it did not work only a white oak stake through my heart can kill me. Instead, it has made me ill", Ella finished calmly.

"Aren't you angry with Emily Bennett", asked Jacob confused. Ella didn't seem to care at all that she was cursed. Neither of her curses outwardly bothered her. Jacob wondered if it was a mask she put on to hide what she felt from them or if it really didn't bother her.

"Everyday may not be good but there is something good in every day. I was cursed for almost 2 decades before I entered that cave. I learnt perspective in that time, though I might not feel the very best it made me appreciate my past. And if every day I had to trade feeling good for being alive in this beautiful world, because even though death wouldn't be unwelcome I have a lot that I still want to do before my time in this realm ends", answered Ella.

Her answer surprised the group. Ella was very old and with her old age, she had become very wise and mature. "You said all spells had loopholes. That would mean there is a way to get rid of your curse", spoke Jared.

"You have a sharp mind to pick that up. You are right but for my curse to be reversed a counterspell must be cast by a Bennett witch or another witch could do it but they would need to spell from Emily's Grimoire. A Grimoire is a witches book of spells", she added when she saw their blank faces. "Not long after she cursed me the villagers in Mystic Falls found out she was a witch and burned her at the stake".

"Like the Salem witches", asked Leah.

"Similar yes but the majority of the Salem witches were not witches. They all fled when the trials began", replied Ella.

"I think that might be enough excitement for tonight", said Sam. All the talk about burn innocents to death was making several members of his pack queasy and pushing Ella for information might not be the best idea. They still did not know enough about her to be able to tell what she would do if they pushed her too far.

"I believe that may be wise", stated Ella looking at the paling faces around her...

Eleanora MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now